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Duma Gideon Boko

Date of Birth: 31 December 1969
Place of Birth: Mahalapye, Botswana

Displaying 1-10 out of 10 results.

Ben-Menashe heads to Gaborone

Ben-Menashe who has taken on Kenya's former Interior Minister Fred Matiang'i is now also acting for Duma Boko the leader of the opposition Botswana National Front (BNF)...

According to filings under the Foreign Agents Registration Act Ben-Menashe ‘will attempt to influence United States policy in favour of Mr Duma Boko becoming the elected President of Botswana through means of lobbying public relations and economic development activities'...

Masisi needs diamonds for trumps

The UDC put on a show of unity in an eve-of-poll rally attended by Butale UDF leader Duma Boko and Khama present through a video-link in which they denounced Masisi and promised to keep the electoral pact together...

In the rough

In his affidavit UDC President Duma Boko who lost his seat in Gaborone to a BDP candidate claims there was double voting by BDP members in his constituency (AC Vol 60 No 20 The elite's big election fight)...

Party President Duma Boko has taken a lot of fire for the heavy defeat and his own position is in danger and the opposition coalition in worse shape than ever...

BDP ends Khama's fightback

The BDP's victory was so overwhelming that none the opposition party leaders – Duma Boko of UDC Ndaba Gaolathe of AP and Biggie Butale of BPF – won their own seats...

The elite’s big election fight

The coalition president Duma Boko was one of the fiercest critics of Khama during his tenure accusing the former president of abetting corruption misrule and dictatorship...

A well-scripted succession

Duma Gideon Boko (UDC)This 48-year-old lawyer is the President of the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) electoral alliance...

BDP squeaks back in

If Motswaledi had been around to lead the opposition campaign rather than the less charismatic BNF President Duma Boko the alliance could have triumphed several local pundits believe...

Full steam ahead

A BDP breakaway party the Botswana Movement for Democracy initially raised expectations after forming an electoral pact with the two main existing opposition parties the Botswana National Front led by Duma Boko and the Botswana Congress Party led by Gilson Saleshando (AC Vol 50 No 21 Khama's expected triumph & Vol 53 No 16 Threats to Khama fade)...

Threats to Khama fade

The BNF leader Duma Boko backs the current alliance with the BMD but is at odds with ordinary members...

Displaying 1-10 out of 10 results.