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Makau wa Mutua

Date of Birth: 14 March 1958
Place of Birth: Kitui, Kenya

Displaying 1-6 out of 6 results.

Pricing Ruto's promises

'This is the practice that was used in the KANU [Kenya African National Union] era to defeat the independence of the legislature and retard the growth of multiparty democracy ' said Odinga's spokesperson Makau Mutua...

Safe choice, vexed process

Outsiders included Nzamba Kitonga a former Court of Justice President in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa who chaired the Committee of Experts that wrote the 2010 constitution; Lucy Wanja Julius from the Commission for University Education; Ambassador Daniel Waisiko Wambura Principal Administrative Secretary in Deputy President William Ruto's office; United States-based Makau Mutua a founder of the Kenya Human Rights Commission who left his post as Dean of the University of Buffalo's Law School in the wake of criticism of his leadership in 2014 and who has in the past expressed anti-Kenyatta sentiments; and former Justice Aaron Ringera a past Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency who in 2002 cleaned out the judiciary of allegedly corrupt judges without informing the accused of the charges against them (AC Vol 50 No 19 The row over Aaron Ringera)...

The anti-corruption collapse

He had many problems with the KACC summary of his evidence and had prepared his own with the help of his legal adviser Makau Mutua...

Going down with the ship

Since leaving Nairobi for Britain where he resigned his post on 24 January 2005 Githongo has coordinated research with his lawyer and political advisor Makau Mutua to produce a comprehensive dossier firstly for President Kibaki and secondly for the head of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Justice Aaron Ringera...

Displaying 1-6 out of 6 results.