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Kithure Kindiki

Date of Birth: 16 July 1972
Place of Birth: Tharaka in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

Displaying 1-10 out of 16 results.


Ruto loyalists plot new laws to stifle protests

Ruku's private member's bill will sit alongside the government's own planned revisions to the Public Order Act which were set out by interior minister Kithure Kindiki during the vetting process by MPs on 1 August...


Raila names his price

The only sop to the protestors was that Aden Duale was demoted from defence to forestry minister though Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki who many held culpable alongside Duale for the abduction and killing of scores of protestors and organisers stays in post...


Ruto battens down the hatches ahead of protests

President William Ruto's decision last week to bring back six of the senior ministers he had fired particularly Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki who many hold as culpable for the abduction and killing of scores of protestors and organisers has marked a hardening in resolve by State House (AC Vol 65 No 15 Ruto struggles to retain control)...


After the protestors won the tax war

On 3 July Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki blamed the violence on ‘hordes of marauding criminal gangs' and said there was an attempt to ‘politicise crime'...

After the general crashes, a reshuffle

During the Supreme Court case that eventually decided the election in Ruto's favour Ogolla was named by Ruto's lawyer Kithure Kindiki as being one of a group of four from the National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC) who had been to the Bomas Centre on 15 August where the votes were being tallied and verified...

What does Raila Odinga want?

The declaration by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki and the police that the demonstrations are illegal has been rejected in a series of court rulings...

Loyalty trumps all in Ruto's cabinet

Having missed out on the Deputy President nomination Kithure Kindiki who led Ruto's legal team during the August presidential petition and represented Ruto when he faced crimes against humanity charges at the International Criminal Court has been rewarded with the Interior and National Administration Ministry previously led by Fred Matiang'i...

Now the numbers favour Raila Odinga

Ruto's pickAfter weeks of speculation and delays Ruto picked Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua at the expense of Senator Kithure Kindiki in Tharaka-Nithi who was the preferred candidate among Mount Kenya MPs in Ruto's Kenya Kwanza (AC Vol 61 No 19 Keeping up with the Kenyattas)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 16 results.