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James Aggrey Bob Orengo

Date of Birth: 1951

Displaying 1-10 out of 38 results.

Raila’s exit deal highlights Ruto’s co-option of the opposition

Of the other four party Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna has been a vocal critic of Odinga's decision to join a unity government led by President William Ruto while Siaya governor James Orengo another long-time Odinga ally was also deeply critical of the idea until the eleventh hour (AC Vol 65 No 16 Raila names his price )...

Raila names his price

The ODM's James Orengo governor of Siaya county and a long-time Odinga ally has been a vocal critic of the move which he described as ‘political cannibalism'...


Ruto battens down the hatches ahead of protests

Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement is believed to have been offered five cabinet posts with deputy party leaders Hassan Joho and Wycliffe Oparanya being touted for jobs though ODM's James Orengo a long-time Odinga ally has described joining Ruto as ‘a disaster' and ‘an abomination' adding that ‘the President has lost the confidence of the international community'...


The judges endorse Ruto's rout

Odinga's legal adviser Siaya Governor-elect James Orengo confirmed that Azimio La Umoja would accept the ruling...

Politicians and activists take the election to court

Odinga's team is to be led by 82-year-old Pheroze Nowrojee a barrister at Lincoln's Inn in London Philip Murgor a lawyer who acted for President Daniel arap Moi and James Orengo the newly elected Siaya senator for Azimio La Umoja coalition (AC Vol 38 No 24 The voting business)...

New coalitions, old faces chase counties

James Orengo Odinga's right hand man and Siaya Senator has been missing from Odinga's campaign trail in recent weeks as he faces a challenge in the Siaya gubernatorial race from former Rarieda MP Nicholas Gumbo of the United Democratic Movement...

Raila's weak grip

Leading ODM figures such as Siaya Senator James Orengo are concerned that Kenyatta's allies will dump Odinga in favour of a compromise candidate...

A divisive plan for unity

'The report seeks to ensure that no one is left behind ' intoned Senate Minority leader James Orengo one of Odinga's closest allies...

The Kenyatta-Odinga deal starts fraying

Among the luncheon guests at Atwoli's ranch that day were Jubilee Party vice-chair David Murathe newly-elected Majority Chief Whip in the National Assembly Jubilee's Richard Maoka Maore former MP and one-time presidential candidate and businessman Peter Kenneth and Siaya Senator and Odinga confidante James Orengo...

ODM's Nyanza senators led by Senate Minority Leader James Orengo stood faithfully by Kenyatta's men an clear display at keeping their end of the BBI bargain...

Displaying 1-10 out of 38 results.