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Abiy Ahmed

Date of Birth: 15 August 1976
Place of Birth: Beshasha, near Agaro, Oromo Region

Displaying 1-10 out of 211 results.

Middle powers line up behind Addis and Mogadishu

That was triggered by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's trade-off announced on New Year's Day: Ethiopia would recognise the ‘territorial integrity' of Somaliland which broke away from Somalia in 1991 in exchange for a lease on 20 kilometres of coast in the Gulf of Aden (AC Vol 65 No 1 Reality catches up with gambler Abiy & Vol 65 No 2 Why Abiy and Muse signed a 'memorandum of misunderstanding')...

Beyond countering Abiy Ahmed Cairo wanted to reinforce its regional position in the Horn...

He wanted to build an arc of opposition against Abiy Ahmed even if the defence pacts would not be fully implemented...

It pushed for mediation although there was no sign that Addis Ababa was interested in solving the problem that Abiy Ahmed had created...

Abiy Ahmed wrongly calculated that Hassan Sheikh would not challenge Ethiopia's role in Somalia...


How Tigray is turning on itself

Senior party members told Africa Confidential they had received assurances from no less than Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed that this would happen...

Abiy pushes radical reforms for debt deal

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's grand plan to raise over US$10 billion from international financial institutions and the restructuring of Ethiopia's $28bn foreign debt after defaulting on its Eurobond last December will be critically tested over the next six months amid mounting turmoil in the region...


Djibouti offers Abiy a coastal compromise as tensions escalate

It started in earnest in January after Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the breakaway region of Somaliland giving it access to 20 km of coastline in exchange for recognition of its independence from Somalia (AC Vol 65 No 2 Why Abiy and Muse signed a 'memorandum of misunderstanding')...


Al Shabaab adaptability causes alarm

Supposedly the government allowed the attack to take place to improve its bargaining position in talks over what security force will take over from the African Transition Mission in Somalia when it leaves in December (ATMIS – AC Vol 65 No 14 Abiy Ahmed's sovereignty deal with Muse Abdi risks more regional turmoil)...

Central bank floats birr to secure IMF deal

The quid pro quo that Addis Ababa will gain from the international financial institutions and from sundry investors and creditors must have reassured Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed that he had covered the risks of a radical financial liberalisation plan...

Djibouti joins fight against the Abiy-Bihi pact

Nobody yet knows whether the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and President Muse Bihi Abdi of the breakaway state of Somaliland is any more than a ‘memorandum of misunderstanding'...

The two five-person delegations were present but did not meet face-to-face while Turkish diplomats shuttled between them (AC Vol 65 No 14 Abiy Ahmed's sovereignty deal with Muse Abdi risks more regional turmoil)...

Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed annoyed the other parties by claiming that his team was present only at the behest of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan although it was Abiy who had requested mediation between Addis and Mogadishu...

Displaying 1-10 out of 211 results.