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Bingu wa Mutharika (Brightson Webster Ryson Thom)

Date of Birth: 24 February 1934
Place of Birth: Thyolo, Nyasaland
Died: 5 April 2012

Displaying 1-10 out of 124 results.

Three old hats in the presidential ring

However she was the DPP's Vice-President in 2009 and after she formed her own party and succeeded to the presidency on the death of Bingu wa Mutharika in 2012 her party treasurer Oswald Lutepo was convicted of involvement in the scandal after which he implicated her...

Stress test for the Tonse Alliance

The UTM has deployed equally heavy ammunition led by the formidable Gender Minister and UTM Secretary-General Patricia Kaliati aided by the late President Bingu wa Mutharika's widow Callista Mutharika and Mwenefumbo...

A shaky start for the new broom

The new labour minister Ken Kandodo who served as finance minister under President Bingu wa Mutharika and as defence minister under President Joyce Banda is a grand nephew of MCP founder and the country's first president Hastings Kamuzu Banda...

Lazarus rising

UTM Secretary-General Patricia Kaliati a veteran political warhorse who was in the cabinets of Bakili Muluzi Bingu wa Mutharika and Peter Mutharika is expecting to be appointed we hear (AC Vol 60 No 5 War of the running mates)...


Mutharika’s narrow win

Atupele Muluzi whose father Bakili was Malawi's first democratically elected president lost the seat he had held for 15 years while Joyce Banda's son Roy Kachale lost the Zomba Malosa seat his mother held before she became Vice-President to President Bingu wa Mutharika in 2009...

Campaign plumbs the depths

An increasing number of reports have suggested that ex-President Joyce Banda may face trial over her alleged role in the scandal and separate accusations concerning the disposal of the presidential business jet originally purchased by her predecessor President Bingu wa Mutharika...

War of the running mates

But Chilima a former Airtel executive suffers politically from association with President Bingu wa Mutharika's widow Callista Mutharika who came into the UTM along with other DPP defectors and is still unpopular because of the bloody demonstrations during Bingu's second term in which 21 people were shot dead...

Mutharika’s uphill battle

His core team includes Mutharika's sister-in-law Callista Mutharika the widow of President Bingu wa Mutharika as well as Noel Masangwi and Louis Ngalande two former DPP senior officials named in a Commission of Inquiry report on the murder of student Robert Chasowa in 2011 (AC Vol 58 No 6 Mutharika's woes look terminal)...

Debts and denials

The British government reduced aid to Malawi in 2009 after then President Bingu wa Mutharika purchased a private jet...

Banda’s Faustian pact

Charges thought to be awaiting the return of Africa's second-ever female head of state include dealings over the 2012 sale to Paramount Holdings of the presidential jet which had been bought by the late Bingu wa Mutharika President from 2004-12 and brother of the current President (AC Vol 55 No 3 Banda and the jets)...

' Kachali was Banda's deputy in the PP government and a former senior figure in the DPP in Bingu wa Mutharika's time (AC Vol 53 No 13 The honeymoon's over)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 124 results.