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United States of America

Barack Hussein Obama

Date of Birth: 4 August 1961
Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii

Displaying 1-10 out of 184 results.


Claims of secret deal with Gadaffi in Sarkozy’s corruption trial

In 2011 Sarkozy co-led the campaign with United States President Barack Obama and United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron to launch a no-fly zone over Libya when Gadaffi was threatening to carpet bomb civilian areas in Benghazi a key centre of opposition during the Arab Spring (AC Vol 52 No 7 A family at war)...


In the news: Trump’s new men in Africa

One of few Trump appointees who also served in the Democrat administrations of Joe Biden and Barack Obama and one of even fewer who acknowledge the existence and threat of climate change Foltz is a career Washington insider...

Ruto revels in the western embrace

The visit headlined by a state dinner for Ruto on Thursday with some 500 guests including former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama is a culmination of Ruto's diplomatic efforts since winning the Kenyan presidency in August 2022 (AC Vol 65 No 7 A one-man diplomatic mission)...


David Malpass quits bank as radical changes loom

Candidates in the running so far all have US citizenship and include: Rajiv Shah head of the Rockefeller Foundation and former head of the US Agency for International Development (USAID); Samantha Power former US ambassador to the United Nations current head of USAID; Chief executive of the One campaign and former aide to President Barack Obama Gayle Smith; Mafalda Duarte chief executive officer of the $11 billion Climate Investment Funds; Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala former finance minister of Nigeria and current director-general of the World Trade Organization (Dispatches 9/2/21 Okonjo-Iweala to take over as WTO chief within days)...


Washington in summit race with Moscow

He will be hard-pressed to meet the bar of drawing 50 African leaders (37 of whom were heads of state) set by President Barack Obama at his summit in 2014 which covered issues ranging from trade and investment to public health and education as well as peace and security and youth employment...

Washington eyes a base at Berbera

Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi's trip to Washington DC last month may not have resulted in an exchange of ambassadors but it looks as though the statelet will achieve de facto recognition recalling the 'dual-track' policy of the Barack Obama administration in 2010...

Ruto goes West

Ruto spent his first day in the US with Steve Sisolak the Democrat governor of Nevada State who has won endorsements from both Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden...

Displaying 1-10 out of 184 results.