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Omar Bongo Ondimba (Le Grand Camarade)

Date of Birth: 30 December 1935
Place of Birth: Lewai
Died: 8 June 2009

Displaying 1-10 out of 193 results.

Shell leads oil majors' exit from the Niger Delta

3bn to Renaissance a consortium comprising Swiss-based Petrolin set up by Samuel Dossou-Aworet veteran Béninois oil trader and long-term oil advisor to Omar Bongo Ondimba late President of Gabon...

He was also long-term oil consigliere to Gabon's late President Omar Bongo Ondimba...

General Nguema plans the transition and his political ascendancy

A senior security advisor to President Omar Bongo Ondimba Nguema was sidelined in the succession drama...

When Omar Bongo Ali Ben's father died in 2009 Senate President Rose Francine Rogombé took over as interim national leader charged with organising elections...

The bank at the heart of the scandal

BGFI was a creation of two presidents: Omar Bongo of Gabon – who died in 2009 his son Ali Ben Bongo taking his place – and Denis Sassou-Nguesso of neighbouring Congo-B...

Historical documents from BGFI Gabon show that Omar Bongo held a long-term deposit there for the equivalent of $20...

In December 2008 Omar Bongo was listed as benefitting from a $7m loan managed by Henri-Claude Oyima who has headed BGFI internationally since the start...


Bongo's fund embrace

Between them Ali Ben Bongo and his late father Omar Bongo Ondimba who died in 2009 spent $125 mn...

Omar Bongo was believed to have amassed a personal fortune of at least $1 bn...

Finding Africa on K Street

Ogilvy Public Relations provides a range of services for President Bongo including 'facilitating media interviews drafting opinion articles drafting press releases providing strategic counsel' as many different K Street firms also did for his father Omar Bongo Ondimba...

Professional fouls

Any meaningful post-AfCON talks say other opposition leaders would need to include reform of the electoral commission the Commission électorale nationale autonome et permanente the ever-biddable Constitutional Court (headed by Marie-Madeleine Mborantsuo who has two children by the President's late father Omar Bongo Ondimba) and presidential term limits (AC Vol 57 No 18 Bongo's incredible win)...

The 40 000-seater Stade Omar Bongo also sits unused and derelict in central Libreville...

Vote row threatens economy

He may now regret allowing former pillars of his late father Omar Bongo Ondimba's regime to defect and form their own party...

Bongo's incredible win

On 2 September Ping once the late President Omar Bongo Ondimba's right-hand man and later Chairperson of the African Union Commission declared himself President and demanded a recount...

The province has long benefited from the Bongo connection – the village where Omar Bongo was born was renamed Bongoville – and it is the dynasty's political heartland...

This form of vote-fixing whereby the government tests the prevailing mood in the first eight provinces and then inflates the score in the Bongo fiefdom of Haut-Ogooué was developed under Omar Bongo...

Its President is Marie-Madeleine Mborantsuo a long-term associate of the Bongo family who has two children by Omar Bongo (AC Vol 55 No 18 Electioneering begins)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 193 results.