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United States of America

Barack Hussein Obama

Date of Birth: 4 August 1961
Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii

Displaying 71-80 out of 181 results.

Parliaments at sea

Britain France Germany and Italy joined President Barack Obama's government in warning against foreign interference in Libya and the threat to the democratisation process...

Dollars, security and a few surprises

For many the most emblematic moment of Washington's maiden Africa summit on 4-6 August came at the end of an intense day of economic and commercial debate on 5 August when President Barack Obama sat in on a 15-minute discussion with Takunda Chingonzo a 21-year-old internet entrepreneur from Zimbabwe...


The science of summitry

The biggest draw proved to be US President Barack Obama pulling in nearly 50 African heads of state or government in what critics had described as a belated invitation to the continent's leaders...

Africa policy moves up the agenda

It was President Barack Obama who ultimately decided to suspend French-backed plans for a US air assault on President Bashar Hafez al Assad's regime in Syria...

Famine ‘almost a certainty’

On 1 and 2 July the US Office of Foreign Assets Control issued a detailed legal framework for individual financial sanctions with President Barack Obama citing 'activities that threaten the peace security or stability of South Sudan and the surrounding region including widespread violence and atrocities human rights abuses recruitment and use of child soldiers attacks on peacekeepers and obstruction of humanitarian operations [which] poses an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States'...

Jonathan faces the north

Then in August United States President Barack Obama will host a grand Africa summit in Washington and security will top the agenda along with economic renewal...


Trophy-hunters after Kikwete

Kikwete's recent attempts to grasp the poaching nettle got going during the tour of Africa last July by United States President Barack Obama who joined Kikwete on a platform in Dar es Salaam to launch a US$10 million task force to help ‘build capacity' in Tanzania Kenya and South Africa aimed at the rhino horn and ivory trade...

Displaying 71-80 out of 181 results.