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South Africa

Pravin Jamnadas Gordhan

Date of Birth: 12 April 1949
Place of Birth: Durban

Displaying 71-80 out of 163 results.

How to repeat the Mugabe mantra

The claim is that if that happens Zuma will lay the blame at the door of the Treasury controlled by Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan and that will finally give him an excuse to sack Gordhan as he has long desired...


Zuma's anti-Gordhan play

President Jacob Zuma has become increasingly irritated with his respected Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan who was widely praised after presenting a balanced budget on 22 February amidst trying economic circumstances (AC Vol 58 No 4 The state of Jacob Zuma's presidency)...

Power struggle goes nuclear

Gordhan versus ZumaFinance Minister Pravin Gordhan's efforts to stabilise public finances have brought him into direct conflict with Zuma and his powerful allies...

The numbers game next year

Topping the list of officials that Zuma plans to remove are: • Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan who with his Deputy Mcebisi Jonas and Director General of Treasury Lungisa Fuzile have blocked pressure for more patronage projects (AC Vol 57 No 24 Gordhan in ratings war); • Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom who led the rebellion against Zuma at the NEC; • Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor; • Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi; • National Education Minister and leader of the South African Communist Party (SACP) Blade Nzimande who made a scathing attack on Zuma on 9 December...

MK vs JZ

He and other retired senior generals gave the ANC a memorandum in March supporting Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan and calling for a 'dignified exit' for Zuma (AC Vol 57 No 8 Zuma's many foes mobilise)...

Clinging to the wreckage

Prominent supporters included Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan Chief Whip Jackson Mthembu former Chief Whip Mathole Motshekga ex-Speaker Max Sisulu and former Reserve Bank Governor Tito Mboweni...

Gordhan in ratings war

This they say would enable him finally to sack his governmental bugbear Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan and get away with it...

Starting the post-Zuma race

That's a battleground where he is losing to Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan (AC Vol 57 No 21 Stalwarts push for Zuma's exit)...

A week of defeats for Zuma

The beleaguered National Director of Public Prosecutions Shaun Abrahams withdrew what were widely seen as trumped-up charges against Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan (AC Vol 57 No 11 Guptas' export drive)...

Displaying 71-80 out of 163 results.