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Cellou Dalein Diallo

Date of Birth: 3 February 1952
Place of Birth: Labé, Guinea

Displaying 51-56 out of 56 results.

Two peas in a pod

He was also instrumental in the removal of Prime Minister François Lonsény Fall (now United Nations' representative for Somalia) in April 2004 and happy with the dismissal of another Cellou Dalein Diallo two years later...

Starting guns

Foreign governments are worried about the powerful State Minister for Presidential Affairs Fodé Bangoura's overthrow of donor-friendly Premier Cellou Dalein Diallo (AC Vol 47 No 12) and want an investigation into the shootings...

Who's in charge here?

The succession struggle became visible when on 4 April state radio and television broadcast a presidential decree announcing a new government to be led by Premier Cellou Dalein Diallo...

Bangoura's group promptly convened an emergency meeting to resist what they called 'Cellou Dalein Diallo's coup d'état'...

Their anger had been fuelled because as well as controlling the economic and financial portfolios Cellou Dalein Diallo had appointed half a dozen other of his friends: Tibou Kamara 34 journalist and author of a book entitled 'Conté ma politique' as Information and Culture Minister; Nianga Gomou Komata assistant Minister for International Cooperation; Almamy Kabélé Camara Territorial Administration [Interior] Decentralisation and Security; Sékou Koundiano Justice; Malick Sankhon Tourism and Hotels; Mamadou Bano Sow Public Works...

Sources close to the Presidency claim that at a meeting with Bangoura and Cellou Dalein Diallo that night Conté called the latter a traitor...

The next day 5 April another decree cancelled the first one and sacked Cellou Dalein Diallo for 'faute lourde' (grave error)...

Peaceful takeover The upshot is that since the ousting of Cellou Dalein Diallo the way is open for a take-over peaceful or otherwise by a member of Conté's entourage...

Cellou Dalein Diallo is Peulh (Fulani)...

Cellou Dalein Diallo's foes suspected him of intending to take the top business appointments away from Conté's allies and give them to his own relatives including his regular travelling companion tycoon Mamadou Aliou Bah known as 'Super Bobo' plus other business people including Diallo Sarakadji and Alseny Barry...

Through the journalist Tibou Kamara Cellou Dalein Diallo has made known his criticism of Fodé Soumah former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank who is alleged to have allowed Mamadou Sylla to withdraw US$22 million in cash from the Bank...

After he was dismissed Cellou Dalein Diallo also retreated to his home village Labé about 430 km...

The soccer vote

In July both Guinea's Premier Cellou Dalein Diallo and Sierra Leone's President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah pressed Bryant to call for the revision of Taylor's terms of asylum...


New Prime Minister Cellou Dalein Diallo was abroad himself but Conté held crisis meetings the same day with key ministers with top generals and with the all-powerful businessman Mamadou Sylla...

Peace, or else

In volatile Guinea new Prime Minister Cellou Dalein Diallo appointed on 7 December will struggle against ailing President Lansana Conté's reluctance to reform...

Displaying 51-56 out of 56 results.