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Omar Guelleh

Date of Birth: 27/11/1947
Place of Birth: Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

Displaying 51-60 out of 66 results.

And the arms flow on

President Ismail Omar Guelleh's government still backs the TNG it founded and wants negotiations between it and its opposition...

Conflicting agendas

President Ismail Omar Guelleh safe in the shrinking arms of France is once again exploiting Eritrea to balance the threat of Ethiopian domination...

World record?

He had wanted to retire when President Ismail Omar Guelleh (AC Vol 40 No 13) took over from his uncle Hassan Gouled Aptidon in 1999 but was persuaded to stay to provide continuity as the government's senior Afar representative...

Mixed fortunes

Yacin Yabeh President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh is rounding up dissidents and collecting arms...

Possible president

Abdulkassim was elected by the Transitional National Assembly meeting since May at Arta in Djibouti (where some 2000 Somalis had gathered) and urged on by President Ismail Omar Guelleh...

Time to talk

Hundreds of participants (some picked by Djibouti's President Ismail Omar Guelleh and his team some self-selected) finally chose enough acceptable delegates to fill clan quotas...

Hope from the north

It is very much a Djibouti government initiative: it is to be held in the country and the proposals to be discussed were launched by President Ismail Omar Guelleh at the United Nations General Assembly last September (AC Vol 41 No 1)...

Cooperation again

In Somalia both the UN and European Union will support yet another reconciliation conference as proposed by Djibouti's new President Ismail Omar Guelleh...

No proxy peace

At September's United Nations General Assembly Djiboutian President Ismael Omar Guelleh offered to host a new Somali reconciliation conference while suggesting that: Somali civil society take greater responsibility regional organisations use all necessary means to achieve a solution and warlords be charged with crimes against humanity...

Displaying 51-60 out of 66 results.