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Joseph Kony

Date of Birth: 1961

Displaying 41-50 out of 78 results.

Khartoum's long arm

Some float the idea of employing Western special forces to try to capture LRA leader Joseph Kony but Uganda would be reluctant to risk its reputation by any overt cooperation of this kind...

Museveni wins, at a price

The LRA's crazed Sudan-government backed leader Joseph Kony is according to the Ugandan military now in north-eastern Congo...

Making the President nervous

Overthrowing Museveni has been one of the few discernible aims of the elusive LRA leader Joseph Kony...

Museveni's military

The overarching complaint is the military's failure to defeat the rebel Lord's Resistance Army and capture its leader Joseph Kony despite continuing assurances from Museveni that the rebel war is over...

Khartoum's game

However arrest warrants for the LRA's Joseph Kony Vincent Otti Okot Odhiambo Raksa Lukwiya and Dominic Ongwen issued by the International Criminal Court change the balance...

Congo connection

Khartoum's links to the LRA are more than diplomatically embarrassing; they could result in International Criminal Court indictments against specific individuals in the government handling the LRA after the expected ICC indictments against LRA boss Joseph Kony and others...

Freedom unfledged

There has been fighting in Jonglei and Sobat areas; aid workers have been pulled out for safety's sake from around the oil capital Bentiu and much of Eastern Equatoria where Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army is based is a 'red no go' area for aid staff...

Operation Kisanja

Conflicts in the north and east In the north after the collapse of last month's peace efforts (see Box) the security is still under threat from the fanatical Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) under Joseph Kony...

Pass the ammunition

A ceasefire was announced and for six weeks talks continued between a government delegation under Betty Bigombe the former Minister for Pacification in the North and some of LRA boss Joseph Kony's commanders...

Success depends both on Joseph Kony's NIF sponsors in Khartoum and on whether Kony and his LRA have rational objectives that could be incorporated into a reasonable solution...

The LRA fights on

After a brief rest the Lord's Resistance Army under Joseph Kony has slaughtered more defenceless civilians in displaced camps in northern Uganda...

Displaying 41-50 out of 78 results.