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South Africa

Ebrahim Patel

Date of Birth: 1962
Place of Birth: Cape Town

Displaying 31-40 out of 44 results.

Zuma’s economic tightrope

They wanted Ebrahim Patel a former Cosatu official who is now Minister of Economic Development to take overall charge of development planning...

The Patel alternative

Ebrahim Patel the Economic Development Minister took the opportunity to argue that he not NPC chief Trevor Manuel was in charge and he has brought the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and the Competition Commission under the control of his Department with support from the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu)...

Tightening the welfare belt

He also clarified some confusing statements from the office of the Minister for Economic Development Ebrahim Patel about fixing the exchange rate...

The state of Jacob Zuma

Since Manuel’s departure from the Treasury analysts have looked for signs that the centre of gravity is shifting from Gordhan’s Finance Ministry to Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel...

Liberation economics, 20 years on

President Jacob Zuma has commissioned the Development Bank of Southern Africa to draw up a 20-year economic plan setting out broad policy parameters – which must balance the market economics of National Planning Commission head Trevor Manuel and more radical proposals from Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel...

The other power struggle

Driven by Ebrahim Patel Minister for Economic Development it would focus on innovation to create jobs (AC Vol 50 No 23)...

In favour and out of cash

They also backed Zuma's May appointment of Ebrahim Patel the General Secretary of the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers' Union as Minister of Economic Development...

Township protestors take on the ANC government

Ministries will soon be involved in a fierce competition for resources with tension between those favouring fiscal discipline and a tight monetary policy such as former Finance Minister Trevor Manuel (now in charge of the National Planning Commission) and others such as Ebrahim Patel the Minister of Economic Development...

This time it will be different

Supporters of Cosatu and the SACP are Ebrahim Patel the new Economic Development Minister and Rob Davies the Trade and Industry Minister...

Pragmatism trumps ideology

When Zuma stood his ground the left proposed Ebrahim Patel General Secretary of the Southern African Textile Workers Union and an advocate of industrial policy for an economic development portfolio...

Displaying 31-40 out of 44 results.