Vol 48 No 4 |
The presidential alliance takes 18 places 15 of those for President Joseph Kabila's own Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et la Démocratie (PPRD) and they are: Chikez Diemu Defence; Salomon Banamuhere Baliene Energy; General Denis Kalume Numbi Interior...
Vol 48 No 2 |
President Joseph Kabila announced in early January that his government would review three copper and cobalt mining contracts (Phelps Dodge Kinross-Forrest and Global Enterprise Corporation) which the World Bank identified as lacking transparency (AC Vol 47 No 23)...
Vol 48 No 1 |
The big question for Congo-Kinshasa and the region this year is whether President Joseph Kabila can consolidate power after last year’s elections...
Vol 48 No 1 |
The true test of the new government’s commitment to transparency will be the fate of President Joseph Kabila’s advisor Augustin Katumba Mwanke...
Vol 47 No 23 |
The streets of Kinshasa were eerily quiet for hours on 15 November after the Commission Electorale Indépendente (CEI) had announced that Joseph Kabila had won the second round of the elections with 58% against his rival Jean-Pierre Bemba's 42%...
In 2002 Joseph Kabila followed IMF-inspired controls on the money supply and inflation dropped to single figures...
Congolese President Joseph Kabila's campaign helicopter is at the centre of a legal battle between Belgian businessman Philippe de Moerloose and Guinea's Paramount Airlines' Ismaël Doukouré...
Vol 47 No 19 |
Meanwhile in North Kivu Tutsi dissident General Laurent Nkunda now loosely allied to Bemba accused President Joseph Kabila of planning to send Hutu soldiers against him and provoke a Tutsi-Hutu war...
Vol 47 No 17 |
Instead there will be a run-off between Joseph Kabila (45 per cent) and Jean-Pierre Bemba (20 per cent) on 29 October...
Vol 47 No 17 |
From the beginning the Ugandan side has stressed it wants to keep the military option open a point reaffirmed by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni last week when he said that Congo's President Joseph Kabila and Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba (both awaiting election results) had agreed in principle to take military action against LRA positions in Congo if talks fail...
Vol 47 No 16 |
Two figures - President Joseph Kabila and Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba - are dominating Congolese politics after the 30 July elections which have been hailed as a success by United Nations (UN) and the United States' Carter Center despite huge organisational problems...
One apocryphal story circulating in Kinshasa is that one of the old guard supporters of Laurent-Désiré Kabila took Joseph Kabila aside and pointing to his father's mausoleum explained to him that 'they' would bulldoze the mausoleum if he lost the presidency...