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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 281-290 out of 344 results.

Winning against Winnie

Their nightmare is that Winnie Madikizela- Mandela will be elected deputy president of the ANC at its national conference on 16-20 December in Mmbatho; that this will make her South Africa's deputy president in 1999 when Nelson Mandela retires and Thabo Mbeki steps into the presidency; and that she will then take over the country if something nasty happens to Mbeki...

Desert caravan

President Nelson Mandela's 50-vehicle motorcade on its long journey from southern Tunisia to Tripoli (to avoid United Nations' flight sanctions) had Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi beaming...

A dictator returns

He is well known to Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi and to President Nelson Mandela (he set up a school for South African orphans in the apartheid era) and has been friendly with French President Jacques Chirac since 1983...

King to move

President Nelson Mandela of South Africa surprised them by recommending at the recent meeting in Malawi of the Southern Africa Development Community that sanctions should be imposed on countries that fail to apply democratic values; he respected traditional authority but constitutional reforms were necessary...

Net politics

The African National Congress has its own homepage with details on the government's composition and policies and a facility to e-mail politicians including President Nelson Mandela himself...

Threatening 'good order'

At a private audience he is thought to have asked the blessing of President Nelson Mandela for South African business involvement in Liberia; we hear South African mining interests have been looking at iron-ore and diamond operations in Bong County which a German company Bong Mining abandoned in 1990 because of the civil war...

Manpower and muscle

Broad church ANCThe idea is to apply this entryist strategy at December's ANC conference when Nelson Mandela hands over the party presidency to his deputy Thabo Mbeki and the top party jobs will be up for grabs...

Clouds over summit

Over a third of leaders have so far accepted Bongo's invitation including the Organisation of African Unity head Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe Nigeria's General Sani Abacha Cameroon's Paul Biya Uganda's Yoweri Museveni Rwanda's Pasteur Bizimungu Senegal's Abdou Diouf and either Nelson Mandela or Thabo Mbeki from South Africa...

Market forces

Misinformation about President Nelson Mandela's health and market rumours about a relaxation of foreign exchange controls gave the African National Congress-led government's first political appointee to the Finance Ministry Trevor Manuel a tough welcome to the job...

Displaying 281-290 out of 344 results.