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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 271-280 out of 344 results.

The China re-connection

The release followed Pretoria's eleventh-hour postponement of a state visit by President Nelson Mandela even though Zambia had indicated Kaunda would be released during the visit...

Bienvenue a` Ouaga

But it was South Africa's President Nelson Mandela who had the toughest and most eloquent words on the OAU's future for the 29 heads of state or government attending...

Seeking spies

President Nelson Mandela then insisted that if ANC ministers were found to have spied he would consider firing them...

New sparring partners

President Nelson Mandela has spoken about a ‘merger' and says the deputy presidency is a firm offer...

African roadshow rolls

Above all President Bill Clinton's 23 March - 2 April trip to Africa is an attempt to change the American perception of Africa: that the world's poorest continent - albeit the home of Nelson Mandela and some of the best musicians and soccer players in the world - should be accorded the same respect as Asia and Latin America...

Mbeki's new machine

President Nelson Mandela concedes that careerism opportunism maladministration and corruption are rife...

The permitted total of ex-officio members is 22 (plus Nelson Mandela) - two from the ANC Youth League two from the ANC Women' s League plus the chairperson and secretary of the nine provincial ANC executives...

The ANC's front line

Five top office-bearers (as above minus Deputy Secretary General Mtintso) 15 elected members and three ex-officio members - Winnie Mandela (Women's League) Malusi Gigaba (Youth League) and Nelson Mandela...

Wall Street is coming

The government touts the project as an example of ‘African Renaissance' cooperation and the picture is brightened by the sentimental alliance between President Nelson Mandela and Mozambique's perennial First Lady Graça Machel...

The border war

In Africa President Yoweri Museveni's stock runs high some argue it's second only to Nelson Mandela's...

Bongo's beanfeast

Enough political leaders were present to make the summit look convincing but the absentees as well as Nigeria's General Sani Abacha Congo-Kinshasa's Laurent Kabila and Sudan's Omar el Beshir included Paul Biya of Cameroon (busy forming a government) Ben Mkapa of Tanzania (at his party's congress) and regional kingpins Daniel arap Moi of Kenya Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and Nelson Mandela of South Africa...

Displaying 271-280 out of 344 results.