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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 221-230 out of 344 results.

Sniping at the President

A far more favoured contender is Cyril Ramaphosa who was named by Nelson Mandela as his preferred successor but lost out to Mbeki...

Talks break down

Graça Machel widow of the first President Samora Machel (now seen as representing a cleaner more honest era) and wife of South African former President Nelson Mandela is respected both internationally and in Mozambique's civil society; if asked she might well stand for president and she would do well...

Market failure

Nelson Mandela may have been an icon of the 20th century but the world isn't doing South Africa any favours...

Against Arusha

Rebel militias are stepping up the pressure as Burundi mediator Nelson Mandela drives the peace talks forward...

Arms for oblivion

He appealed over Mbeki's head to ex-President Nelson Mandela for reinstatement...

Austin Amissah

A former colleague of Amissah's on the Botswana appeal bench better known as Nelson Mandela's lawyer George Bizos described Amissah as "…a zealous guardian of judicial independence; a patient helpful and understanding colleague; he avoided prejudgment of any cause and strove to reach a just decision in every case after giving counsel on both sides and his brethren on the bench every opportunity to persuade him what was the right thing to do"...


Laurent's legacy

Buyoya is under growing pressure to make peace from Nelson Mandela mediator in the Burundi war and from the United Nations...

Local heroes

He claims that whereas ex-President Nelson Mandela tried to reach across the racial divide Mbeki has 'a much more Africanist perspective'...

Not Florida

The six new big cities controlled by metro councils are mostly expected to be given African names: Greater Johannesburg (Egoli Zulu for gold) Greater Pretoria (Tshwane 'We are the same') Greater Durban (eThekwini horns of the bull) Port Elizabeth (Nelson Mandela Metropole) Cape Town and East Rand...

Mbeki mark two

Governments and leaders usually experience a mid-term drop in popularity and Mbeki was bound to suffer by comparison with the beloved Nelson Mandela who was favoured by 85 per cent of people two months before he retired in June last year...

Displaying 221-230 out of 344 results.