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Idriss Déby Itno

Displaying 201-210 out of 216 results.

Pipeline jitters

Southern-based rebels and environmentalists are losing their battles to scupper President Idriss Déby's plans to turn Chad into Africa' s latest oil emirate...

Patasse´'s problems

The reconciliation meeting is supposed to wind up before Misab' s mandate expires with the chairman's place at its final session filled by four heads of state designated as peacekeepers by their colleagues - Omar Bongo (Gabon) Idriss Déby (Chad) Blaise Compaoré (Burkina Faso) and Alpha Omar Konaré (Mali)...

    Vol 38 No 22 |
  • CHAD

On fire

There have been rebellious stirrings again enough to send President Idriss Déby scurrying off to Taiwan in search of a reward for recognising China's rival last June...

Policy rethink

President Idriss Déby has spent much of the last two years trying to buy off various armed factions while Finance Minister Cherif Daussa Bicharal has kept the government on good terms with the IMF and courted possible privatisation partners for Ndjamena's electricity and water utilities...

French leave

The political accords signed in Bangui last January with Presidents Bongo and Idriss Déby present are being implemented...

Great Satan joins the fray

He also named Algerian Egyptian Eritrean Iranian and Palestinian mujahideen in Sudan and described Chadian Islamist attempts to overthrow President Idriss Déby (a reluctant friend of Khartoum)...

Après le déluge – quoi?

Welcoming Chad's President Idriss Déby to Paris in early July Jospin stressed that relations with Africa 'must be adapted to the problems of the times'...

New fingers on Zaïre's trigger

On Zaïre and on other issues Nigeria Sudan and Kenya make common cause with Mobutu's Francophone allies: Gabon's President Omar Bongo; Congo's President Pascal Lissouba Cameroon's President Paul Biya; Côte d'Ivoire's President Henri Konan-Bédié; Chad's President Idriss Déby; Niger's President Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara; and the mother of Francophone allies France's President Jacques Chirac...

All fall out

Cissé is a World Bank man; as the Bank's country economist for Chad he got to know President Idriss Déby Itno well...

Displaying 201-210 out of 216 results.