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South Africa

Songezo Zibi

Date of Birth: 28 December 1975
Place of Birth: Transkei, South Africa

Displaying 11-14 out of 14 results.

Writing the next act

Rise Mzansi the brainchild of Songezo Zibi and allies was launched with some grandeur on Johannesburg's Constitution Hill – home to the Constitutional Court and a symbol of the country's 29-year-old democracy...

Doubts greet the DA's 'moonshot' coalition

New entrantsThe 2024 race which includes 37 political parties will also see several independent candidates such as: veteran activist Zackie Achmat; and former Business Day editor and founder of the Rivonia Circle think-tank Songezo Zibi; and Build One South Africa's leader Mmusi Maimane...

New coalition aims to supplant the ANC

'For the first time the majority of South Africans agree on what is wrong ' said Songezo Zibi a leader of the Rivonia Circle think-tank...

None of that diminishes the enthusiasm of activists such as Songezo Zibi pressing for wholesale political change...

Zondo's game changer

'I am prepared to lead because I know there will be no anointed messiah at any point in the future ' Rivonia Circle founder Songezo Zibi wrote in his recent book Manifesto...

Displaying 11-14 out of 14 results.