President Kenyatta appeared to favour Peter Kenneth one of Sonko's rivals as Jubilee candidate...
In Nairobi Peter Kenneth another Kenyatta favourite lost heavily to the mercurial populist Michael 'Sonko' Mbuvi Kioko...
Second-tier candidates such as the United Democratic Front’s Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi Martha Karua from Narc-Kenya (formerly the National Rainbow Alliance) Peter Kenneth of the Kenya National Congress and James ole Kiyiapi of the Restore and Build Kenya party tried to make an impression but didn’t make the breakthrough they had hoped for...
Her anti-Uhuru counterpart in Central Province is Peter Kenneth a dapper moderate politician whose quiet grassroots development record began to attract notice a few years ago...
At a recent cabinet meeting Kosgey blamed Nicholas Kipyator Biwott's daughter Esther for the crisis at Kenya Reinsurance although insurance brokers blame Kosgey for appointing Peter Kenneth as Managing Director...