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Idriss Déby Itno

Displaying 171-180 out of 216 results.

Algerian bullets

Did President Idriss Déby swap Algerian Islamists for support for his fellow Zaghawa fighting Sudan's Islamist regime as many in the area believe...

    Vol 45 No 8 |
  • CHAD

Rebels all round

Idriss Déby's ruling Mouvement Patriotique de Salut (MPS) is also now split along factional lines both over Darfur and over Déby's intention to modify the constitution in order to run in 2006 for a third term as president...

Le Para moves east

This could deliver an unexpected coup for General Idriss Déby whose officials have briefed on alleged links between the GSPC and the Chadian President's old enemies in the Mouvement pour la Justice et la Démocratie au Tchad...

The language of weapons

The unrest puts at risk not only the ailing President Idriss Déby but also the flagship transparency project imposed by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on the Doba basin oil development...

Dead men tell tales

One was Adouma Ali Ahmed also Sudanese and a former advisor to Chadian President Idriss Déby...

Leaving the door open

His latest offence was to form an alliance with Jean-Pierre Bemba leader of the Mouvement pour la Libération du Congo and a bitter opponent of both Congo-Kinshasa's President Joseph Kabila and President Idriss Déby of Chad...

Accords and aggravations

In Chad oil should start flowing from the southern Doba fields in July and the death last September of rebel leader Youssouf Togoïmi after a landmine explosion has removed a source of worry to President Idriss Déby...

Hear those drums

Along with Sassou Nguesso and Chadian President Idriss Déby Bongo ignominiously abandoned a defamation suit against French writer François-Xavier Verschave whose book Noir Silence had 'offended' them...

The view from the Seine

En route to South Africa for the Earth Summit he stopped off in Chad to see President Idriss Déby; old reservations about election rigging were set aside as Chirac promised a new era of bilateral cooperation...

Displaying 171-180 out of 216 results.