Amid the wreckage of earlier plans the new big idea is to merge two more: the free-market free-trade Millennium Africa Plan (MAP) sponsored by Algeria Nigeria and South Africa with the dirigiste Omega Plan dreamed up mainly by Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade...
Vol 42 No 14 |
Theoretically there's still time for him to run but his Dakar successor President Abdoulaye Wade insists (in private) he will not accord him the required national nomination...
Kufuor's first major international outing since taking over on 7 January demonstrated the President's confidence in his government's grip on events back home and his rapid elevation to the clique of African reforming leaders that includes Mozambique's Joaquim Chissano and Senegal's Abdoulaye Wade...
Niasse's dismissal in March and now the parliamentary elections of 29 April have given President Abdoulaye Wade a much clearer hold on both executive and legislature...
ADB President Omar Kabbaj has been dragged into the contest between the Millennium Africa Plan sponsored by Algeria Nigeria and South Africa and the Omega Plan sponsored by Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade and a Francophone group including Morocco...
Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade distrusted Jammeh's peacemaking gestures in Casamance and his friendship with Guinea Bissau's late army chief Gen...
President Abdoulaye Wade has shuffled the deck ahead of the legislative election that is due on 29 April...
President Abdoulaye Wade gets on well with Guinea Bissau's embattled President Kumba Yala who also spent long years leading an opposition party...
Abdoulaye Wade's wife Viviane Wade has tried to help; at a church service in Ziguinchor in mid-February she assured the congregation including the influential mayor Robert Sagna that her husband was 'doing everything he could' for peace...
Vol 42 No 3 |
Chirac and Gbagbo also held a mini-summit with regional leaders Blaise Compaoré Gnassingbé Eyadéma Alpha Omar Konaré and Abdoulaye Wade to discuss security in Côte d'Ivoire...
In December Taya received Senegal's Transport Minister Madienya Diouf who brought a message from President Abdoulaye Wade about the French- and Moroccan-backed Europe-Mali trans-Saharan road project...