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United States of America

Barack Hussein Obama

Date of Birth: 4 August 1961
Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii

Displaying 111-120 out of 181 results.

No EITI for UK

Britain is refusing to follow United States President Barack Obama in joining the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative...

Hard winter in Harare

So a sort of mini-USA style budget feud has ensued with Biti looking even more beleaguered than US President Barack Obama...

Foreign policy flip-flops

Zuma’s reputation is not helped by the story from sources close to him that he had initially intended to abstain on the no-fly vote along with the other BRICS until United States President Barack Obama rang to urge him to vote in favour...

100 days of ADO

Government newspapers such as Fraternité Matin and Le Patriote rejoiced at Ouattara’s meeting with US President Barack Obama on 29 July pointing out that he was the first Ivorian president to be received at the White House since Founding President Félix Houphouët-Boigny...

Favourite four

Greeting four Francophone African leaders in Washington on 28 July President Barack Obama pledged ‘stalwart’ support on economic and security matters signifying growing US interest in a region with substantial mineral resources...

One day, son

Many Senegalese were angry when they saw television footage of French President Nicolas Sarkozy introducing Karim to United States President Barack Obama at the Group of Eight meeting in Deauville France on 26-27 May...

Chaos keeps Gadaffi in the game

Yet with United States President Barack Obama halting manned US air strikes and other partners such as Italy mooting a military scaling down coalition leaders Britain and France are under pressure to maintain the military momentum...

Through the Wikihole

President Barack Obama has appointed his replacement the outgoing Special Envoy to Sudan Jonathan Scott Gration but with no handover date set...

Fixing finances

President José Eduardo dos Santos is lobbying for US President Barack Obama to stop over in Luanda later this year Africa Confidential understands...

Rewards and realpolitik

However other US diplomats such as President Barack Obama's Special Envoy for Sudan General Scott Gration who was in Ethiopia for the Summit argue for a generous range of incentives for Khartoum to ensure it does not try to derail the next five months of tough negotiations over terms for the North-South separation...

Displaying 111-120 out of 181 results.