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John Pombe Joseph Magufuli

Date of Birth: 29 October 1959
Place of Birth: Chato, Tanzania
Died: 17 March 2021

Displaying 91-100 out of 107 results.

Amina jumps to the front

Tanzanian president John Pombe Magufuli became the latest to endorse Mohamed at the start of a two-day state visit to Kenya a sign that the SADC bloc is not locked down for Venson-Moitoi despite having endorsed her...

Push-ups and pushback

This time last year John Magufuli was on stage in Karagwe in the north-west doing push-ups before a mass rally of supporters...

Perils of the pipeline

Tanzania's President John Pombe Magufuli is getting much of the credit but he only closed a deal that France's Total and later Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni had been pushing for strongly for the past ten months at least...

Union at all costs

Aloof MagufuliThe election events have been a stain on Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli's reputation for honesty and fighting corruption but he has studiously remained aloof...

Shein's tarnished win

Not only has it tarnished the lustre on the anti-corruption campaign of President John Magufuli but it prompted the US Millennium Challenge Corporation to withdraw a US$473 million grant for extending electricity supply to rural areas...

How real the zeal?

Four weeks into President John Pombe Magufuli's new government many are still scratching their heads...

Big bad John

In the fortnight since his swearing in President John Pombe Magufuli has made his presence widely felt dropping in unexpectedly at the Ministry of Finance and asking pointed questions...

Zanzibar faces poll re-run

Victory in the presidential and parliamentary polls on 25 October sees John Pombe Joseph Magufuli as President-elect and CCM set to return to the National Assembly with a solid two-thirds majority (AC Vol 56 No 21 CCM faces close vote)...

Where scrutiny becomes cyber crime As soon as John Magufuli was chosen as the presidential candidate for the governing Chama cha Mapinduzi on 12 July his Wikipedia entry was updated...


Displaying 91-100 out of 107 results.