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European Union


news by category: European Union

Found 168 articles.

Displaying 121-130 out of 168 results.

Euronews 'soft on Angola'

Portuguese Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Ana Gomes has complained to the European Commission about the Angolan presidency's propaganda unit influencing Euronews, a Commission-funded news channel. The...

All at sea over migration

A row over a deal between Rome and Tripoli to police the Mediterranean points to deepening divisions on migration in Africa and Europe

An Italian operation backing efforts by the Libyan coastguard to intercept ships carrying migrants across the Mediterranean risks widening the political fight between the country's rival factions in...

Shifting borders south

The European Union is set to intensify its migration control regime at a summit of EU leaders on 20 October. The European Commission will present reports on the...

Funds to remain

The European Union last week launched a multi-billion euro Africa investment vehicle – with a stronger private investment element – in another bid to improve living standards in...

The General's identity crisis

After a dramatic arrest in Khartoum there are doubts about whether British and Italian police have got the right man

The mystery surrounding the identity of the Eritrean 'people-smuggler' arrested in Khartoum and deported to Italy shows the difficulty of unravelling smuggling networks. Is the man due in...

Tighter rules on war booty

European Union importers face tougher restrictions on conflict minerals after a deal was finally struck on 15 June. Due diligence checks, conducted according to Organisation for Economic Cooperation...

Rules of commercial engagement

After twelve years of wrangling, the EU finally concludes bilateral trade treaties with 44 Sub-Saharan countries

The European Union – the continent's biggest trading partner – has now signed up most sub-Saharan African countries to bilateral or regional Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA). The framework...

Peasants against the pacts

West African small farmers' organisations oppose the European Union's Economic Partnership Agreement with the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas). The Ouagadougou-based Réseau des organisations paysannes et...

Joining up security in the Sahel

Jobs for young men and good liaison across borders are vital to effective anti-jihadist action. But there are as many obstacles as there are initiatives

Regional and international moves to resist the jihadists – and to stifle their appeal – in the Sahel and Sahara regions are proliferating but enjoying far from smooth...

Some partners are more equal than others

The Brussels summit confounds low expectations to produce agreements on security and migration but fails again on trade

Evoking 'a partnership between equals', José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, celebrated progress on security, migration, trade and development at the end of the fourth European...


Displaying 121-130 out of 168 results.