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news by category: Africa

Found 873 articles.

Displaying 871-873 out of 873 results.

Funding fall-off

African Development Bank President Morocco's Omar Kabbaj hopes to have reached agreement with donors on a US$2,700 million replenishment for the African Development Fund (ADF 7) next month...

A look ahead

Soldiers and born-again democrats have been promising fair elections. This year Africans test their claims

Africa needs some boredom, according to a senior official in West Africa. By that, he meant he wants fewer coups, conflicts or spectacular economic collapses. But Africa's Cassandras...

Bases and overflying: the facts

Libya's commitment to ending the bases agreements with the West has major implications for military air routes

Britain and the United States believe that the present Libyan government has no desire to break the bases agreements with the West, which are financially rewarding and militarily...


Displaying 871-873 out of 873 results.