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Published 19th November 1999

Vol 40 No 23

Postponing the new order

Commonwealth heads have suspended Pakistan's military regime but balked at tougher action against others - until the next summit

Efforts to advance good governance and human rights ended in a Commonwealth fudge at the Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Durban, South Africa on 12-15 November. Calls for radical action against member governments which suppress opposition movements, steal state funds and gaol journalists ended in a 'high-level review' of the Commonwealth, to advise 'how best it could respond to the challenges of the new century.' The review committee, to report to the next CHOGM in Canberra in 2001, balances modernisers (Australia and Britain, favouring tougher measures on governance), non-interventionists (Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago), and nationalists (India, Singapore and Zimbabwe).

Presidential accounts

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Between the banks and the ruling families, Africa's money runs out

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Broom sweeps Basri

Image courtesy of Panos Pictures

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Chiluba and after

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Gunmen at the gate

KK's aspiring politicial son, Wezi, was murdered. On whose orders?

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A gambit too far

The National Islamic Front's bid to smash the opposition while convincing outsiders it seeks reconciliation has provoked the normally taciturn Saudi Arabian government into denying reports that it...