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Published 10th November 2000

Vol 41 No 22


Morgan versus Mugabe

Oppositionists take to the streets to chase the President from power but his own party may beat them to it

The more opponents urge President Robert Mugabe to quit, the more he wants to stay put. His backers insist that he will be running again in the 2002 presidential elections, although his own party and the electorate blame him for the country's political and economic chaos. The show of force by the police and the military to counter food protests last month - tear gas dropped from army helicopters and armoured cars in the townships - showed Mugabe's determination to counter his opponents. The scene may have looked like the dying days of apartheid South Africa but Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change is no African National Congress. It is a hastily built coalition with some odd allies ploughing into Mugabe's largely self-inflicted crisis. Now Morgan wants to slay the dragon. With enough courage, supporters on the streets, workers on strike and economic chaos, the MDC might just chase Mugabe from power - even before Christmas, as Morgan told journalists and ministers in Europe this week. Other forces are pushing in the same direction, albeit less overtly. Anti-Mugabe sentiment is rising among soldiers and the police, prompted more by bad pay than qualms about beating protesters; and many in the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front feel the same way but cannot agree what to do about it.

Military minders

The stance of Zimbabwe's 40,000-strong armed forces will be critical in the coming months. At the senior officer level, there is still tremendous loyalty to the ruling Zimbabwe...

Those fatal cars

Scandals are complicating the choice of a presidential candidate

The Mercs to Malawi affair - the purchase of 39 top-notch Mercedes-Benz limousines by President Bakili Muluzi's aid-dependent government - turned discontent into crisis. This has had three...

In the running

The ruling United Democratic Front is struggling to pick its presidential candidate for 2004 and its continuity camp wants a third term for Bakili Muluzi, which would mean...

Gbagbo's next test

The nation's troubles are not over yet. On 10 December, elections for the National Assembly will follow the 22 October presidential election. This is the poll in which...

The calabash bubbles

Almost everything that could go wrong in West Africa this year has contrived to do so. The region's biggest economies, Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria, are hobbled by political...


Hard loans

Nigeria is questioning the legitimacy of much of the US$27 million debt claimed by the Paris Club of Western government creditors. Almost unprecedentedly, the meeting on 26-27 October...

Wind in the rigging

Zanzibar's parliamentary and presidential elections were a grim farce. By 7 November, the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) - which also holds power in mainland Tanzania - had...

Blasts from the past

President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the veteran statesman, stands proud on the international stage. At home, though, he may not have escaped the shackles of the military establishment which put...