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Population: 29.31m
GDP: $53.39bn
Debt: 38.09% of GDP (2024)

news from Cameroon

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Found 86 articles.

Displaying 71-80 out of 86 results.

Lacklustre and listless

President Biya wins a shoddy election while the opposition carps on the sidelines

As President Paul Biya settles in to his fifth consecutive term of office, with seven more years stretching ahead, there is no sign of any serious challenge to...

Seven more years

There's little doubt that President Biya will win another seven-year term in the 11 October election

The shortcomings of Cameroon's electoral process are becoming glaringly obvious as polling day approaches. The combination of an ill prepared and divided opposition and a lack of independent...

Money in the pipeline

Biya still looks like the only show in town but critics keep the loyalists on their toes

With first oil from the Chad-Cameroon pipeline set to reach Kribi port in September, this new source of revenue will come at a perfect time for President Paul...

Winning Biya mile

The government is set free by an election landslide and an opposition collapse

President Paul Biya is now likely to exploit June's electoral triumph by bringing the presidential poll forward a year to late 2003. His Rassemblement Démocratique du Peuple...

President, people, parties

President Paul Biya has been in power since 1982, and the 1997 constitution allows him two more seven-year terms. He will almost certainly be the presidential candidate...

Pride of lions

Cameroon's extraordinary national football team, the Indomitable Lions, has done President Paul Biya some big favours. The Lions beat Nigeria's Super Eagles in Lagos to win the African...

Under fire

Work is scheduled to start late this year on the controversial US$3.7 billion Chad-Cameroon pipeline following the World Bank's June decision to lend the project $193 million. Chad's...

Spinning a pipeline

As protests grow against the US$3.5 billion Chad-Cameroon pipeline (AC Vol 39 No 13), Africa Confidential has obtained two confidential memoranda showing the World Bank's efforts to orchestrate...

Pipeline jitters

There are still doubts about the huge plan to pump oil from Chad to the Atlantic

Southern-based rebels and environmentalists are losing their battles toscupperPresidentIdrissDéby’ splanstoturnChadintoAfrica’ s latest oil emirate. The Déby plan, put together by a consortium of major oil companies, is to...

Biya's bad joke

The opposition’s boycott handed the ruling party a landslide

It took the government three days to produce partial preliminary results for the presidential election of 12 October. The only surprise was the scale of the victory claimed...

Displaying 71-80 out of 86 results.