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Population: 16.99m
GDP: $35.91bn
Debt: 98.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Zimbabwe

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Found 609 articles.

Displaying 481-490 out of 609 results.

Man with a plan?

The would-be opposition leader must unite his own side before tackling Mugabe

The new leader of half of the Movement for Democratic Change, Arthur Mutambara, is a man with a plan. His short-term aim is to end the pointless split...

Stout party splits

The opposition has split, strengthening Mugabe's power but not his policies

Political and economic paralysis has overtaken Zimbabwe. The government does not know what to do with its two election victories of last year, apart from aiming blows at...

Senate subterfuge

President Robert Mugabe's plan is well on track for Senate elections to add to his political patronage and weaken the opposition Movement for Democratic Change. Although turnout for...

Splitting the difference

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change is divided over whether to fight Senate elections on 26 November amid wide-ranging political realignments. Party leader Morgan Tsvangirai insists the party...

MDC muddle

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change is split, and the future of Morgan Tsvangirai, its leader, is in doubt. Tsvangirai wants to boycott the coming elections, as voting...

Radical cheque

In expansive mood after his Caribbean sojourn, 81-year old President Robert Mugabe announced for the first time to journalists at the United Nations summit that he definitely intends...

Karanga calling

The death of a military-politician creates a gap in the regional power play

Josiah Tungamirai, who died in South Africa on 25 August, served as Air Vice-Marshal and as Black Empowerment Minister. More importantly, he was the standard-bearer of the Karanga,...

Paper tigers

A grudge match between Zimbabwe 's leading newspapers could further weaken independent journalism. The weekly Zimbabwe Independent claims the government's Central Intelligence Organisation wholly owns the Financial Gazette,...

Stalin's textbook

The forced removals are dividing the country and President Mugabe's own party

According to Jonathan Moyo, the latest round of forced removals of slum-dwellers proves that President Robert Mugabe has been reading 'Stalin's economic textbook'. Moyo should know; he was...

Mission to China

President Robert Mugabe has brought forward his trip to China by a week to 23 July in an attempt to negotiate an economic rescue package. He wants Chinese...

Displaying 481-490 out of 609 results.