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Population: 16.99m
GDP: $35.91bn
Debt: 98.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Zimbabwe

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Found 609 articles.

Displaying 411-420 out of 609 results.

ZANU-PF stashes the cash

As they drag out negotiations with the opposition, the ruling party's acolytes are hiding millions of US dollars in offshore accounts

Leading members of President Robert Mugabe's regime and their business allies are transferring tens of millions of US dollars out of Zimbabwe to safe havens to avoid the...

Britain and the sanctions question

China and Russia's dual veto of a draft sanctions resolution against Zimbabwe at the United Nations Security Council on 11 July took nostalgic diplomats back to the height...

Deaths and deals

The government sets tough terms for a power-sharing deal that might end the crisis

The election on 27 June was Zimbabwe's worst. The opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, had formally withdrawn but his name was still on the ballot paper (AC Vol 49...

Where the government gets its money

Foreign mining investors still drop cash into Zimbabwe's empty bucket. Anglo American hit the spotlight in June with its US$400 million Unki platinum project, to be run by...

Authoritarian notes

Until Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel leant on them, Munich-based security printers Giesecke & Devrient GmbH had a lucrative contract to supply paper for Zimbabwe's considerable demand for new...

The khaki election

The determination of the military to retain power at all costs makes the 27 June election deadly and pointless

The last ditch efforts by the United Nations’ Haile Menkerios and South Africa’s Thabo Mbeki to broker a meeting between President Robert Mugabe and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai...

The praise singing club

In Zimbabwe’s state-controlled media – the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (paradoxically modelled on the British Broadcasting Corporation but periodically purged), the Harare daily The Herald, and the Sunday Mail...

The neighbours start to turn

It began with the refusal of Southern African governments to allow a shipment of Chinese arms to unload at their ports and cross their territory to landlocked Zimbabwe...

Displaying 411-420 out of 609 results.