Vol 53 No 7 | ZIMBABWE Power to the president 30th March 2012 President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai have failed to pay huge electricity bills over the last two years, according to documents from the state...
Vol 53 No 6 | ZIMBABWE Constitutional reform blow 16th March 2012 ZANU-PF opposes the reforms planned to precede the elections and knows how to scupper them The process of drafting the new constitution is teetering towards collapse. So the various factions are honing their plans for what could be a bruising election campaign under...
Vol 53 No 6 | ZIMBABWE The rise of Tendai Biti 16th March 2012 Tendai Biti has been the star both of the Movement for Democratic Change as its General Secretary and of the Government of National Unity as its Finance Minister....
Vol 53 No 4 | ZIMBABWE Inquest blue 17th February 2012 The inquest into the death of General Solomon Mujuru has closed on 6 February after hearing 39 witnesses. The evidence left after the raging inferno that killed him...
Vol 53 No 2 | ZIMBABWE Positions pending 20th January 2012 After his annual holiday in south-east Asia, Mugabe has to decide whether to reappoint many of his ageing securocrats The security officers around President Robert Mugabe like to shroud his movements in mystery. During the congress of his Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) in Bulawayo...
Vol 53 No 2 | ZIMBABWE Mugabe breaks with the region 20th January 2012 By snubbing the African National Congress centenary celebrations and their host, South African President Jacob Zuma, President Robert Mugabe wanted to make some political points. He is furious...
Vol 53 No 1 | ZIMBABWE A race against time 6th January 2012 The probability of President Mugabe scuppering constitutional reforms and calling a snap election is firming up Both President Robert Gabriel Mugabe’s Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) want elections as soon as possible. Each...
Vol 53 No 1 | ZIMBABWE A pause in economic progress 6th January 2012 The early economic successes of the power-sharing government are sputtering (AC Vol 52 No 25). A decade after the land reform battles, agriculture will be the main source...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 12 | ZIMBABWECHINA The takeovers will buy votes 2nd October 2012 Ahead of national elections in March 2013, Indigenisation Minister Kasukuwere targets Chinese companies to raise funds for ZANU-PF’s campaign team In papers submitted to the High Court for yet another extension on setting by-elections in late September, President Robert Mugabe gave an effective commitment to general elections by...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 12 | ZIMBABWECHINA CIF starts work in Zimbabwe 2nd October 2012 State media proclaimed in mid-September that China International Fund was to begin building some of the infrastructure that it promised in late 2009 (AAC Vol 3 No 2)....