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Population: 21.13m
GDP: $25.91bn
Debt: 115.2% of GDP (2023)

news from Zambia

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Found 291 articles.

Displaying 281-290 out of 291 results.

Short leash

Zambia's Consultative Group meeting ended on a note of compromise in Paris on 13 May. There were aid pledges for 1998 of US$530 million but with increased demands...


The likeliest beneficiary of Zambia's copper privatisation fiasco is the company the Zambians were anxious to keep out - Anglo American, the South African mining giant. After years...

Moses in the wilderness

Kaunda's detention has sharpened Chiluba's battle with oppositionists and donors

Africa’s only constitutional ‘Christian Nation’ was shaken by the events of 25 December, when ex-President Kenneth Kaunda, once called the nation’s saviour, was arrested and detained. The shock...

Post-coup purge

Hardliners around President Chiluba are using the failed coup to settle scores

A wave of repression has followed the drunken coup attempt on 28 October, starting with a purge in the army. The army commander, Lieutenant General Nobby Simbeye, whose...

Captain Solo speaks

An amateurish coup attempt strengthens the hands of the MMD hardliners

A failed coup attempt by a group of drunken soldiers, on 28 October, made Zambians worry and pitched their political leaders into a familiar shouting match of accusation...

Budget stress

The MMD is clamping down politically but can't afford to make tough economic changes

Having sauntered back into State House after bitter and flawed elections (AC Vol 37 No 24), President Frederick Chiluba must now live with his unenviable inheritance: a tottering...

In suspense

Foreign and local businesses are stepping up pressure on Western donors to resume aid to Frederick Chiluba' s government after the disputed 18 November elections. They say Chiluba'...

No confidence

A dubious win, summary arrests, an empty treasury – Chiluba's second term begins

As soon as the elections were over, police went into the offices of Zambia's own election monitors, the leaders of the party that came second went into hiding...

No vote for UNIP

The elections have been set for 18 November, despite ex-President Kenneth Kaunda's insistence that the United National Independence Party and five other parties will boycott them. The boycotters,...

Chilling Chiluba

The ruling MMD's refusal to talk to the opposition may push politics out of control

From 31 October, President Frederick Chiluba's government is into extra time. A head-on political confrontation looms. Supporters of Chiluba's Movement for Multi-party Democracy maintain that they have the...

Displaying 281-290 out of 291 results.