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Population: 103.19m
GDP: $72.48bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

Category: all

Found 568 articles.

Displaying 551-560 out of 568 results.

Kabila yaka!

A bizarre coalition of money and Marxism lies behind the AFDL's phenomenal success

Several 'companions of the road' have given their support to 59 year-old Laurent-Désiré Kabila's political struggle. They are an odd bunch, from Maoist guerrillas to Wall Street investors...

Across the lake

Burundian rebels may have lost part of their Zaïrean safe-haven but they fight on and have even acquired a navy. On 25 March, the Hutu hardline Forces pour...

Kabila's long march

Mobutu is going and Zaïreans are asking questions about his would-be successors

As they go from victory to victory, Laurent-Désiré Kabila and his forces are having to face some tough political questions: firstly, about the composition of their Alliance des...

The new order

The 'government' or Executive Committee of the Alliances des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre, which now administers about a quarter of the country, has ten members:...

A bend in the river

The coming fall of Kisangani is concentrating minds on who and what comes after Mobutu

Even government officials say it is only a matter of time before Zaïre's third city, Kisangani, and the military headquarters based there fall into rebel hands. Rebels have...

Cape town crisis

President Mobutu Sese Seko and his government may believe that the negotiations in Cape Town with Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre officials are the...

Outside agents

Prime Minister Kengo wa Dondo's claims of military successes in the Forces Armées Zaïroises' 'massive counter-offensive' against rebels in Kivu Province seem overblown. Less than a week after...

Digging in

Kinshasa's talk of a counter-offensive means little as the rebels score strategic victories

The strategic town of Bunia, on the north-eastern border with Sudan and Uganda, fell to rebel forces on 26 December. This was a stinging blow to President Mobutu...

Mining for trouble

As Zaïre's rebels capture mineral-rich lands, mining companies may have to pay up

The rebels keep advancing. One of their techniques is to announce the capture of a town before they attack it, causing panic and disorder among their enemies, as...

Displaying 551-560 out of 568 results.