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Population: 103.19m
GDP: $72.48bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

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Found 568 articles.

Displaying 541-550 out of 568 results.

Kabila's banker

A brass plaque outside the smart new offices of the Banque de Commerce et de Développementin Kinshasa's main street, Boulevard du 30- Juin, proclaims that they were opened...

Kabila takes on the UN

Mobutu's funeral was overshadowed by his successor's confrontation with the UN over missing refugees

Few Congolese cared much about the funeral of Mobutu Sese Seko, in a Catholic cemetery in Rabat, Morocco, on 13 September. He died of cancer, aged 66, but...

Washington quandary

The US government juggles carrot and stick while business scoops a mineral map

Should the United States and other potential donors make economic assistance conditional upon whether the new Congo government allows the United Nations' inquiry into refugee massacres to proceed?...

Payback time

The backers of Kabila's war now want a return on their investment

Congo-Kinshasa's neighbours and foreign investors had high hopes of business gains following the overthrow of Mobutu Sese Seko but the old dictator's legacy of institutional collapse and corruption...

Kabila's ghosts

The AFDL's credibility is on the line as concerns over human rights mount

Veteran opposition leader Étienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba still has huge support in the capital Kinshasa and his arrest on 26 June was for many Kinois the final stage...

Paid fighters – and their paymasters

We reveal new facts about the Mobutu regime's final, failed attempts to hire a mercenary army

As the regime of Mobutu Sese Seko tottered to its end, his generals were negotiating a rescue package with former South African military men. The President approved the...

Hanging on

After his triumphal debut at the Organisation of African Unity summit (2-4 June) in Harare, Laurent-Désiré Kabila returned to Kinshasa and a sea of problems. Security is the...

Kabila in Kinshasa

The seven month military march is over; the political march looks longer and tougher

Zaïre has a new name, République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), a new strongman, Laurent-Désiré Kabila and a new burst of goodwill from most of the world's capitals with...

New fingers on Zaïre's trigger

Ending Mobutuism has divided Africa and its allies; the new government will need broad-based support to move ahead

The shape of Africa resembles a revolver, wrote Algeria's Franz Fanon, 'and Zaïre is the trigger'. Over 30 years after Fanon's assessment, new fingers are on the trigger...

Business at war

As Laurent-Désiré Kabila's forces march towards Kinshasa, arguments about Zaïre's economic future are heating up

However Mobutu Sese Seko is finally chased from the Presidency, Zaïre's new rulers will inherit a formal economy that barely exists. In 1996 gross domestic product was just...

Displaying 541-550 out of 568 results.