Vol 44 No 11 | CONGO-KINSHASA Un-rapid reaction 30th May 2003 Fighting is worsening in the north-eastern Ituri Province but plans for a 2,000-strong rapid reaction force are embroiled in United Nations and European Union bureaucracy. The proposed French-led...
Vol 44 No 9 | UGANDACONGO-KINSHASA Drummed out 2nd May 2003 Only a burst tyre and a forced landing made Uganda miss its 24 April deadline to pull its troops out of north-eastern Congo-Kinshasa. They set off in four...
Vol 44 No 9 | CONGO-KINSHASA Wood for the trees 2nd May 2003 Mystery surrounds the fate of a proposed US$50 million investment in the Shikolobwe concession in Katanga, one of the world's richest deposits of copper, cobalt and uranium. The...
Vol 44 No 8 | SOUTH AFRICACONGO-KINSHASA Deeper and deeper 18th April 2003 President Mbeki is betting his diplomatic credibility on success in brokering peace in Congo and Burundi South Africa is about to raise the stakes by committing three battalions for peacekeeping duties in Burundi and eastern Congo, having hosted a succession of summits to persuade...
Vol 44 No 2 | CONGO-KINSHASA Cable controversy 24th January 2003 The worsening fighting in the Ituri region of eastern Congo-Kinshasa is undermining the peace accords signed by Rwanda and Uganda with the Kinshasa government, according to diplomatic cables...
Vol 43 No 25 | BURUNDICONGO-KINSHASA Two helpings of peace 20th December 2002 Peace deals for both Congo-Kinshasa and Burundi, brokered by South Africa, will be tested early in 2003. The Congo deal, signed in Pretoria on 17 December, proposes a...
Vol 43 No 23 | CONGO-KINSHASA Kabila reacts 22nd November 2002 President Joseph Kabila has again outplayed his regional rivals, Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni and Rwanda's General Paul Kagame, in the diplomatic arena.
Vol 43 No 21 | CONGO-KINSHASA Soldiers go, plunderers stay 25th October 2002 How occupying generals turned into thieves and how private companies helped them The multi-billion dollar looting of Congo-Kinshasa's resources continues, threatening hopes for peace and economic reconstruction following the withdrawal of Rwandan, Ugandan and Zimbabwean troops. That is the finding...
Vol 43 No 21 | CONGO-KINSHASA Hall of infamy 25th October 2002 See this article for a list of individuals who are accused in the United Nations Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Mineral Resources...
Vol 43 No 21 | CONGO-KINSHASA The British connection 25th October 2002 British sanctions policy on Zimbabwe is in disarray after the United Nations Report on the Illegal Exploitation of Mineral Resources and Other Forms of Wealth in the Democratic...