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Population: 103.19m
GDP: $72.48bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

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Found 567 articles.

Displaying 401-410 out of 567 results.

More fighting, more aid

Renewed fighting in the eastern provinces could help the government to qualify more quickly for aid

Theories abound about who is funding and arming the Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) in the eastern provinces of Congo-Kinshasa. General Laurent Nkunda, the Congolese Tutsi...

Kivu clashes ahead

Fears are growing of a confrontation between the forces of General Laurent Nkunda and the government's Forces Armées Congolaises in North Kivu Province next month. We hear that...

Dollars and mines

A new government-backed investigation into billions of dollars of mining contracts lacks openness and the time to do the job

The government's announcement last month that it will investigate about 60 mining contracts, agreed while civil wars raged from 1996 to 2003, risks disappointing everyone. Mining companies, especially...

A wolf in the Congo

Key to the contracts investigation in Congo-Kinshasa will be the role of the World Bank and the legacy of the anti-corruption policies pushed by its outgoing President, Paul...

The bashing of Bemba

The opposition leader may be forced into exile but President Kabila has plenty of battles on the economic front

The bloody shoot-out in Kinshasa on 22-23 March confirmed President Joseph Kabila's grip on the country. His troops decisively defeated the guard of Jean-Pierre Bemba, who had lost...

A frontier affair

Old allies in Luanda and Kinshasa are at odds over their border in diamond country

A high-powered Angolan delegation visited Kinshasa on 14 March. It included Foreign Minister João Bernado de Miranda, Interior Minister Leal Monteiro 'Ngongo', Chief-of-Staff General Francisco Furtado, National Police...

A blow-up blows over

Congo has its uranium scandal, and the International Atomic Energy Agency is investigating. New Minister for Scientific Research Sylvanus Mushi Bonane opened up the affair on 15 March...

Displaying 401-410 out of 567 results.