Vol 48 No 23 | CONGO-KINSHASA The tail wags the dog 16th November 2007 The Kinshasa government is rocked by its failures to resolve the conflict in the eastern Kivu provinces The crisis in North Kivu is worsening sharply, with over 500,000 people displaced in the past year, and is one of the key factors holding back Congo-Kinshasa's attempts...
Vol 48 No 23 | CONGO-KINSHASA Mining undermined 16th November 2007 Mining companies were dismayed and share prices wobbled after draft copies of Congo's mining contracts review started circulating in Kinshasa last week. The leaked document is a damning...
Vol 48 No 23 | UGANDACONGO-KINSHASA Guerre du lac 16th November 2007 Commercial rivalries and contractual disputes over oil reserves in Lake Albert, which runs along the Congo-Kinshasa/ Uganda border, are heating up. Tensions between their two armies have ebbed...
Vol 48 No 22 | CONGO-KINSHASA The wooing of Kinshasa 2nd November 2007 President Joseph Kabila and his cabinet are much in demand as access to Congo-Kinshasa’s minerals is again contested.
Vol 48 No 20 | CONGO-KINSHASAANALYSIS Le scandale géologique 5th October 2007 Under-resourced and under fire - and under investigation again The government Commission reviewing up to 60 of Congo's mining contracts has quickly come under fire. Politicians, lobbyists and companies question its claims of objectivity, rigour and, indeed,...
Vol 48 No 20 | CONGO-KINSHASA Contracts under review 5th October 2007 Some of the companies mentioned on the list of 60 contracts under review - and some that weren't
Vol 48 No 19 | CONGO-KINSHASA Kasongo v CAMEC 21st September 2007 Former England cricketer Phil Edmonds’s roller-coaster ride in Africa is going up again after a 19 September court ruling in Kinshasa recognising the legality of his Central African...
Vol 48 No 18 | CONGO-KINSHASA More fighting, more aid 7th September 2007 Renewed fighting in the eastern provinces could help the government to qualify more quickly for aid Theories abound about who is funding and arming the Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) in the eastern provinces of Congo-Kinshasa. General Laurent Nkunda, the Congolese Tutsi...