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Population: 103.19m
GDP: $72.48bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

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Found 567 articles.

Displaying 361-370 out of 567 results.

Mining downturn

Low demand for minerals, especially from China, depresses mines and the whole economy

The world’s financial crisis threatens the mining deals that were meant to finance Congo-Kinshasa’s post-war recovery. The big mining companies are finding it hard to raise funds as...

The man who says no

Rebel leader Laurent Nkunda likes to compare his relentless campaign against the Kinshasa government with the military resistance of General Charles de Gaulle, 'the man who said no'. Taking the parallels further, Nkunda has announced the formation of a provisional government in eastern Congo and threatens to march on the Kabila government. Without substantial back-up for the UN peacekeepers and a turnaround by the government forces, Nkunda's wild ambitions will face few obstacles.

The strategic blunders of both the Kinshasa government and the Kivu rebels leave Congo's government facing military defeat, the rebels facing political isolation and the people of Kivu...

How smuggling pays for killing

Most of the Kivu belligerents profit, one way or another, from the two provinces' precious reserves of gold, cassiterite and colombo-tantalite (coltan). Gold and coffee smuggling has been...

Kony's new front

As the crisis around Goma intensifies, conditions further north are deteriorating, opening up the possibility of more regional intervention. In the mineral-rich Orientale, Ugandan Joseph Kony’s Lord’s...

Prime Minister departs

Prime Minister Antoine Gizenga's departure could strengthen President Joseph Kabila's hand, but not for the better

Admission of failure The resignation of Prime Minister Antoine Gizenga Fundji on 25 September launches a battle for succession that will probably strengthen President Joseph Kabila in the...

Forest contracts review

The government is reviewing forestry concessions and Greenpeace produces a report that shows

Congo-Kinshsasa's government is to reform the controversial forestry sector. On 30 July, an interministerial commission, Le Commission Interministérielle de Conversion des Anciens Titres Forestiers, began reviewing 156 concessions,...

Tin soldiers

The commanders of Congo’s army, the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo, are mining cassiterite (tin ore) and gold in league with the majority Hutu Forces...

The competition heats up

As oil exploration continues apace on Lake Albert, Uganda and Congo threaten to make business difficult for foreign companies

Companies drilling on the Ugandan side of Lake Albert, which straddles the border with Congo-Kinshasa, had a rude shock in mid-June when President Yoweri Museveni announced that Uganda...

Bemba under arrest

It is convenient for President Kabila that his main opponent stands accused of war crimes

At least a couple of months must pass before Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo can be transferred from Belgium, where he was arrested on 24 May, to prison in the...

Displaying 361-370 out of 567 results.