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Population: 103.19m
GDP: $72.48bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

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Found 567 articles.

Displaying 341-350 out of 567 results.

A multinational road to army reform

In late April, Britain announced that it would give £80 million (US$131.5 mn.) towards strengthening Congo-Kinshasa's security forces. Half was for police reform, £30 mn. was for 'domestic...

The cement boom

In both Angola and Congo-Kinshasa, public works produce surprising profits for well-connected cement producers, but an oil-fired building boom requires a lot of cement. Angola's Minister of Public...

The China choice

Congo-Kinshasa's dilemma over how to finalise a US$9 billion minerals barter deal with China without jeopardising a debt-reduction deal with the International Monetary Fund will not be resolved...

An offshore imbroglio

The two countries set up a joint commission to resolve long-standing border rows

Grievances have arisen between Angola and Congo-Kinshasa about their borders - offshore and onshore. Kinshasa's Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito and ministers Célestin Mbuyu (Interior), Alexis Thambwe Mwamba ...

Shotgun wedding

President Kabila's improbable deal with Rwanda could unravel and further weaken his authority in Kinshasa

Kinshasa's sudden embrace of Kigali may cause as many problems as it solves. President Paul Kagame's troops have been spearheading joint operations against the Hutu militiamen of the...

A rift among rebels

Some want a ceasefire, others insist on a solution, with personalities as divisive as policies

The main rebel movement in eastern Congo has split, with one faction seeking a ceasefire with the government, the other promising to fight on. The more militant rebel,...

Displaying 341-350 out of 567 results.