Vol 4 (AAC) No 11 | CONGO-KINSHASASOUTH KOREA Fire sale 15th September 2011 Ahead of national polls scheduled for 28 November, the Kinshasa government has decided to sell off state assets to a Hong Hong-based company for a fraction of their...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 9 | CONGO-KINSHASACHINA Shifting foundation 13th July 2011 The terms of the mines-for-infrastructure contract are flexible, which is good because they’re up for negotiation again The Congolese authorities have signalled yet another revision to the historic US$6 billion mines-for-infrastructure deal between the government and a Chinese consortium. China Railways Engineering Corporation, Sinohydro and...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 6 | CONGO-KINSHASACHINA Old debts and new deals 15th April 2011 Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal will decide this month whether FG Hemisphere, a United States-based vulture fund, is entitled to seize US$100 million from payments due to the Congolese...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 5 | CONGO-KINSHASACHINA Surveying Sicomines 31st March 2011 The Congolese authorities are having trouble holding their Chinese partners to account while new barter deals and contracts pile up Concerns are rising over the opacity of the US$6 billion Sicomines deal between the Congolese government and a group of Chinese companies. Congolese civil society groups and oppositionists,...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 5 | CONGO-KINSHASACHINA All roads lead to Beijing 31st March 2011 Chinese construction companies are not just carrying out Beijing-backed projects, they are also winning contracts from international donors. The first phases of telecommunications projects funded by China Export-Import...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 1 | CONGO-KINSHASACHINA The price of debt forgiveness 18th November 2010 Kinshasa may have to rethink its deals with China if it wants debt write-offs from Western creditors European powers are blocking billions of dollars of debt relief to President Joseph Kabila’s government until it agrees to revise some of its trade and financing deals with...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 1 | CONGO-KINSHASASOUTH KOREA Hyperactive relations 18th November 2010 South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak is due in Kinshasa in early 2011 to reciprocate Congolese President Joseph Kabila’s visit to Seoul in March. This month, the Korean International...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 1 | CONGO-KINSHASA Vital Kamerhe 18th November 2010 Former Speaker, National Assembly As first-round elections approach on 27 November 2011, Joseph Kabila’s former ally is emerging as a challenger to the President. Taking his cue from other parties in the...
Vol 51 No 24 | CONGO-KINSHASA The case against Kabila's army 3rd December 2010 A new report by United Nations experts implicates Congo’s soldiers in murderous criminality, leaving Kinshasa some tough choices The findings by a United Nations' investigation that extensive criminal networks inside Congo's army are raping and killing people and stealing minerals challenge President Joseph Kabila's position following his call for...
Vol 51 No 24 | CONGO-KINSHASA Will the UN bail out of Congo? 3rd December 2010 Another month, another United Nations' report on Congo-Kinshasa. Yet do these reports, or indeed the UN in general, help improve conditions in Congo? At around 19,000 strong, the Mission des Nations...