Vol 4 (AAC) No 1 | CONGO-KINSHASA Vital Kamerhe 18th November 2010 Former Speaker, National Assembly As first-round elections approach on 27 November 2011, Joseph Kabila’s former ally is emerging as a challenger to the President. Taking his cue from other parties in the...
Vol 51 No 24 | CONGO-KINSHASA The case against Kabila's army 3rd December 2010 A new report by United Nations experts implicates Congo’s soldiers in murderous criminality, leaving Kinshasa some tough choices The findings by a United Nations' investigation that extensive criminal networks inside Congo's army are raping and killing people and stealing minerals challenge President Joseph Kabila's position following his call for...
Vol 51 No 24 | CONGO-KINSHASA Will the UN bail out of Congo? 3rd December 2010 Another month, another United Nations' report on Congo-Kinshasa. Yet do these reports, or indeed the UN in general, help improve conditions in Congo? At around 19,000 strong, the Mission des Nations...
Vol 51 No 22 | ANGOLACONGO-KINSHASA At stake: oil, migrants and gemstones 5th November 2010 Behind the obligatory shows of unity between the governments of Angola and Congo-Kinshasa lurk serious disagreements over the frontiers dividing the oil fields straddling the two countries, diamond...
Vol 51 No 22 | RWANDACONGO-KINSHASA Kagame’s troops return to Congo 5th November 2010 Chaos in the Kivus has given Kigali a pretext to send its soldiers back across the border in pursuit of political and economic objectives The Rwandan Defence Force is back in Congo-Kinshasa but trying to keep a low profile. Presidents Joseph Kabila and Paul Kagame agreed on the move at a 6...
Vol 51 No 21 | CONGO-KINSHASA Murder again 22nd October 2010 The death in detention of another critic illustrates the government’s arbitrary power as its reputation declines at home and abroad The official story is that Armand Tungulu Mudiandambu killed himself on 1 October with a cloth he was using as a pillow. He had been detained by President...
Vol 51 No 20 | CONGO-KINSHASA Massaging the message 8th October 2010 UN officials believe their edited investigation has persuaded Uganda and Rwanda not to withdraw their peacekeepers At the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 23 September, Rwandan President Paul Kagame did not look like a man leading a government...
Vol 51 No 20 | CONGO-KINSHASACANADA Kinshasa in court 8th October 2010 President Joseph Kabila's government now has the distinction of facing three international court cases in which foreign companies accuse it of arbitrarily seizing their assets. The biggest...
Vol 51 No 19 | CONGO-KINSHASA A poll that perplexes 24th September 2010 The coming elections are immense, will cost US$715 million and are quite possibly illegal The grumbles are growing fast, although there is still a year to go before the votes are cast. Several Congolese non-government organisations are casting doubt on the legality...
Vol 51 No 19 | CONGO-KINSHASA Runners and frontrunners 24th September 2010 Only three candidates have so far declared that they will stand for president at the election whose first round is due on 27 November 2011. Oscar Kashala Lukumuenda,...