Vol 6 (AAC) No 1 | CONGO-KINSHASAASIABRIEFING Asian builders get close to Inga billions 30th October 2012 The Kinshasa government plans to begin discussions in November with three consortiums that are interested in the construction of a third hydroelectric dam capable of producing several thousand...
Vol 53 No 24 | CONGO-KINSHASA Kabila looks into the abyss 30th November 2012 After the eastern rebels trounce the national army and opposition movements step up the pressure, the President is fighting for his political life The seizure of Goma by the Mouvement du 23 mars rebels on 20 November has dangerously weakened the regime of President Joseph Kabila Kabange. Backed by Rwanda and...
Vol 53 No 24 | CONGO-KINSHASA Why Goma fell 30th November 2012 The full details of Goma’s fall are still murky but the main military push started on 19 November when, say local people, fighters from the Mouvement du 23...
Vol 53 No 23 | CONGO-KINSHASA Expert opinions 16th November 2012 The controversy over the United Nations’ report on the conflict in eastern Congo-Kinshasa continued this week as the UN Security Council debated it yet again. The United States...
Vol 53 No 22 | RWANDAUGANDACONGO-KINSHASA Uganda accused 2nd November 2012 A new UN report accuses both Uganda and Rwanda are running the M23 rebellion: foreign support for Kampala could soon be suspended The United Nations Group of Experts on eastern Congo-Kinshasa has indicted the Ugandan government as co-sponsor of the Mouvement du 23 mars (M23) rebellion in Kivu alongside Rwanda....
Vol 53 No 21 | RWANDAUGANDACONGO-KINSHASA M23’s other parent 19th October 2012 Indirect talks between the M23 rebels in North Kivu and the Kinshasa government are finally taking place in Uganda, sources in Kampala have told Africa Confidential. Yet this...
Vol 53 No 20 | CONGO-KINSHASAFRANCE La Francophonie 5th October 2012 Cries of disappointment resound from those expecting François Hollande’s election as President to make a decisive break with the clandestine commercial networks between Paris and its African...
Vol 53 No 19 | RWANDACONGO-KINSHASA New York showdown 21st September 2012 Joseph Kabila and Paul Kagame take their battles over the Kivu provinces to the UN General Assembly Congolese ministers have been energetically lobbying in New York ahead of a high-level meeting on Central Africa at the United Nations General Assembly which opens on 25 September....
Vol 53 No 18 | CONGO-KINSHASA Kabila seeks succour abroad 7th September 2012 Discontent is widespread and the Francophone summit will do little to cover up the national cracks President Joseph Kabila Kabange got an unexpected present on 27 August when his French opposite number, François Hollande, said he would attend the 12-14 October Francophone summit in...
Vol 53 No 18 | CONGO-KINSHASA Rebels and defections 7th September 2012 The Kivu crisis is diverting attention from other provinces where order is collapsing. In Katanga, two Republican Guard soldiers at Lubumbashi Airport were shot dead during squabbling over...