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Population: 103.19m
GDP: $72.48bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

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Found 568 articles.

Displaying 131-140 out of 568 results.

Losing control in Kasaï

Kabila benefits from a refugee crisis as politicians use militias against each other. But the President could be burned too

This was never a strife-torn region. The Kasaï provinces had long escaped the fate of less fortunate parts of Congo-Kinshasa but in the past year, violence has grown...

Action plan to crack the Inga enigma

Congolese officials have asked Chinese and Spanish consortia to join forces to realise the dream of a colossal hydro project at Inga

Some see the call by the Congo-Kinshasa's government for a joint Sino-Spanish plan to develop the much-delayed Inga hydropower project as a political trick to keep both China...

Casino Jack plays his hand

A disgraced agent's attempt to profit from introducing Sassou to Trump came to nothing but US lobbyists are raking it in

Known as 'Casino Jack' for his work on behalf of Native Americans setting up casinos, and with a Kevin Spacey movie charting his spectacular rise and fall, Jack...

Kabila thriving on chaos

The President is manipulating opposition politicians while giving the impression of proceeding towards elections

True to his recent form, President Joseph Kabila has chosen to appoint a long-time former oppositionist as Prime Minister. It is part of his continuing efforts to stay...

Leader's demise imperils deal

Tshisekedi's death has given Kabila new opportunities to stall political agreement while violence worsens in the east

The death in Brussels on 1 February of the historic, charismatic opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba from a pulmonary embolism at the age of 84 is a...

Kabila's co-opted cabinet

The latest agreement with the opposition leaves the new crop of ministers uncertain of their future

Just minutes before midnight on 19 December, as the seconds ticked down on the last day of his constitutionally permitted second term of office, President Joseph Kabila Kabange's...

Killers crowd in

Most attention is focused on demonstrations against Kabila but murderous violence is breaking out all over the country

While the end of President Joseph Kabila's two terms of office on 19 December is set to spark mass opposition protests, less notice has been paid to the...

Kabila ducks and dives

The President is staying in the ring by combining intransigence with deviousness to outmanoeuvre the divided opposition

Although Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo Mapon resigned on 14 November and announced the dissolution of his government, President Joseph Kabila Kabange surprised everyone three days later by...

Displaying 131-140 out of 568 results.