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Population: 9.29m
GDP: $9.76bn
Debt: 68.3% of GDP (2024)

news from Togo

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Found 46 articles.

Displaying 41-46 out of 46 results.

    Vol 39 No 14 |
  • TOGO

Stolen votes

In Israel for medical treatment this week, President Gnassingbé Eyadéma faces unprecedented foreign pressure over the stolen 21 June presidential election. Eyadéma wanted the poll to given him...

    Vol 38 No 23 |
  • TOGO

Mini-Mobutu okay?

Western donors are doing business with Eyadèma and are likely to accept his election

Africa's strongmen are finding that disapproval from Western donors does not hurt them much. Denis Sassou-Nguesso is once more the ruler of Congo-Brazzaville by force of arms. In...

Free radicals

Opposition politicians seeking an explanation for the continuing grip on power of some of the more authoritarian Francophone leaders may find guidance from the Nu Health Clinic in...

    Vol 38 No 11 |
  • TOGO

Guides together

Soldiers from Togo proved useless when sent to fight for Marshal Mobutu Sese Seko (who was a guest of the Presidency in Lomé after his fall). Perhaps mindful...

    Vol 38 No 3 |
  • TOGO

Still at the helm

Eyadéma celebrated 30 years in charge but few foreign guests came to the party

The 'Great Helmsman' celebrated his 30th year at the tiller on 13 January with a five-hour parade of troops and civilians costing, by local estimates, over US$2 million....

    Vol 37 No 18 |
  • TOGO

The boss is back

President Eyadèma has picked a new premier and is planning his own re-election

The one-party state is back in Togo. The resignation of Prime Minister Edem Kodjo on 19 August puts President Gnassingbé Eyadèma back in control, after dividing the opposition...

Displaying 41-46 out of 46 results.