Vol 40 No 19 | SUDAN Pipe bombs 24th September 1999 The 19 September attack on the brand new, 1,600-kilometre export pipeline proves two points: firstly, the falsehood of the claim by the National Islamic Front government that the...
Vol 40 No 17 | SUDAN Gas mask 27th August 1999 Ten years after the National Islamic Front government agreed that the United Nations could carry relief to all 'war-affected populations', the UN's Operation Lifeline Sudan has taken its...
Vol 40 No 15 | SUDAN Arranged marriages 23rd July 1999 A growing flirtation with the Umma Party is one sign of the National Islamic Front's continuing charm offensive. At our press-time, NIF leader Hassan el Turabi and Umma...
Vol 40 No 13 | SUDAN The NIF goes on a charm offensive 25th June 1999 Europe takes Khartoum's promises of dialogue and an 'oil bonanza' seriously – unlike Washington and the Sudanese themselves Last week in Khartoum, where mixed student outings have been common for decades, 25 students who went on a picnic were publicly flogged for 'immoral' behaviour. The girls...
Vol 40 No 13 | SUDAN The National Islamic Front on parade 25th June 1999 Hassan el Turabi heads a team of sometimes quarrelling but always committed people. The key NIF people in government have been there since the 1989 coup. A number...
Vol 40 No 10 | ERITREAETHIOPIASUDANHORN OF AFRICA Regional collisions 14th May 1999 The Eritrea-Ethiopia war is helping the Islamist regime in Khartoum and further destabilising Djibouti and Somalia The main beneficiary of the Eritrean-Ethiopian war (AC Vol 40 No 4, Pride and prejudice & My enemy's enemy) is Sudan’s National Islamic Front government. A year ago,...
Vol 40 No 10 | SUDAN Lightning strike 14th May 1999 A series of opposition victories against the National Islamic Front government has prompted Khartoum to delay 'negotiations' in Nairobi under the auspices of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development....
Vol 40 No 7 | SUDAN War in the mountains 2nd April 1999 The National Islamic Front fears the Nuba revolt will derail its partition plan The ruling National Islamic Front has started a major new offensive against the Sudan People's Liberation Army in the Nuba mountains. Apparently alarmed at the success of opposition...
Vol 40 No 2 | SUDANIRAQ Political chemistry 22nd January 1999 A key reason why the United States bombed El Shifa factory on 20 August (AC Vol 39 No 17) was because of its links to Iraq,...
Vol 40 No 1 | SUDANBRITAIN The long arm 8th January 1999 The Pinochet effect persists in Britain with the trial, now expected this March, of a Sudanese doctor who is charged with committing torture and omitting to prevent it...