Vol 42 No 20 | SUDANUNITED STATES Who's selling who? 12th October 2001 The Islamist International needs its friends in Khartoum but the price is rising Sudan's government is walking a tightrope. Since the United States' and British bombing of Afghanistan began on 7 October, the threat to the National Islamic Front (aka National...
Vol 42 No 16 | SUDAN Delusions of peace 10th August 2001 Egypt and Libya intervene to block southern and northern opposition hopes while the NIF plays off everyone against each other 'Egypt possesses cards it has not yet used for preventing the separation of southern Sudan'. Thus spake Cairo's Ambassador to Khartoum, Mohamed Asim Ibrahim, in June 2000. Egypt...
Vol 42 No 16 | SUDAN Keeping them talking 10th August 2001 Ever since it seized power on 30 June 1989, the National Islamic Front has been declaring its desire for peace while accelerating the war. The first speech by...
Vol 42 No 16 | SUDAN Possession in nine points 10th August 2001 On 26 June, the international Arab press began speculating about a new Egyptian-Libyan Initiative. Ten days later, the nine points emerged and became headline news. Some are reminiscent...
Vol 42 No 15 | KENYASUDAN Zero-rated 27th July 2001 Kenya's role as Chair of the principle Sudan peace forum is under threat after claims that it was negotiating to import oil from Sudan. Oil is at the...
Vol 42 No 12 | SUDAN With or without Riek 15th June 2001 Efforts to reunite the two main Southern factions - John Garang's Sudan People's Liberation Army and Riek Machar's Sudan People's Democratic Front - have suffered a setback. Riek...
Vol 42 No 8 | SUDAN Oiling the daggers 20th April 2001 Southern leaders at daggers drawn since 1991 have reached agreement in principle that Riek Machar's forces be reintegrated into the Sudan People's Liberation Army of Colonel John Garang....
Vol 42 No 7 | SUDANUNITED STATES Caution, lobbies at work 6th April 2001 Oil, religion and human rights - a powerful mixture for Bush's new government to digest The debate on Washington's Sudan policy touches two of the Republican government's core constituencies, big oil and the religious right. Their countervailing pressures may delay a radical shift...
Vol 42 No 7 | SUDAN Death knocks twice 6th April 2001 In one week, Sudan has lost two leaders, one much loved and respected and one widely hated and feared. The contrast could not be greater between Yousif Kuwa...
Vol 42 No 6 | SUDAN Opening new fronts in the oil war 23rd March 2001 Petrodollars are financing Khartoum's diplomacy and its war against the south The Khartoum regime's drive to become a major oil producer is systematically killing Sudan's southern citizens and and destroying their homes. Backed by Western and Asian companies, this...