Vol 49 No 9 | SUDAN Number crunching 25th April 2008 The two-week national census, which began on 22 April, will not provide accurate information on the size of the population but it will strengthen the regime’s grip on...
Vol 49 No 8 | SUDAN The real dividing line 11th April 2008 Oil, ideology and a bitter history worsen the dispute over where to draw the North-South border Sending its own man to run the Abyei enclave means that the Sudan People's Liberation Movement is clearly challenging the National Congress (NC, aka National Islamic Front). The...
Vol 49 No 8 | SUDAN The main points of the Abyei Protocol 11th April 2008 The then First Vice-President, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, and the late Sudan People's Liberation Movement Chairman, Colonel John Garang de Mabior, signed the Principles of Agreement on Abyei...
Vol 49 No 7 | SUDANEUROPEAN UNION Hotel Hellacious 28th March 2008 A public relations jamboree in Khartoum on 10-13 March tried to persuade European politicians and businesses that they are missing out on billions of petrodollars because of Western...
Vol 49 No 5 | SUDANCHINA Lifting the bamboo curtain 29th February 2008 Beijing is changing its policy on Khartoum but on its own terms China is worried about the 'deadlock' in Darfur and is looking for new ideas, its Special Representative for Africa and Darfur, Liu Guijin, told a leading Sudanese civic...
Vol 49 No 5 | SUDANCHINABRITAIN Selective divestment 29th February 2008 Britain’s Conservative Party, which has been campaigning against the Sudan government’s Darfur policy, faces charges of hypocrisy after it accepted more than US$800,000 in contributions from a United...
Vol 49 No 2 | SUDANANALYSIS The centre versus the rest 16th January 2008 El Sadig el Sideeg el Mahdi launched his bid to return to power, only to be shouted down by hundreds of Sudanese who had flocked to listen El Sadig's view that the National Congress regime (NC, as the NIF has rebranded itself) is afraid of violence spreading looks like wishful thinking. As El Sadig...
Vol 49 No 2 | SUDAN Looking for a leader 16th January 2008 The Sudan People's Liberation Movement has been unable to find a Nuba leader of the stature of the founder of the Nuba rebellion, the late Yusif Kuwa Mekki.
Vol 1 (AAC) No 11 | SUDANCHINA Playing the odds 3rd November 2008 The new Consulate in Juba is the sign of strengthening relations between the Government of Southern Sudan and China A new phase in China's relations with Sudan began on 1 September when Assistant Foreign Minister Zhai Jun inaugurated the new Chinese Consulate in Juba. This was an historic move...
Vol 1 (AAC) No 10 | SUDANJAPAN Tokyo's test 5th November 2008 The Japanese are after Sudanese energy Until public protests over Darfur two years ago, Japan was one of the biggest customers for Sudanese oil. But unlike China and India it had no direct investments in Sudan's...