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South Africa

South Africa

Population: 63.2m
GDP: $403.04bn
Debt: 72.24% of GDP (2024)

news from South Africa

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Found 850 articles.

Displaying 761-770 out of 850 results.

Local heroes

The new opposition alliance hits the ANC where it hurts

The African National Congress swept to victory in the local government elections on 5 December, winning 59 per cent of the total vote (AC Vol 41 No 23)....

Not Florida

Procedures for voting in the local government elections of 5 December were complicated but voters seemed to take that in their stride and the poll was accepted as...

Mbeki mark two

Local elections next month will test the President's new stance on AIDS and Mugabe

President Thabo Mbeki faces his toughest battle for voters yet in local government elections on 5 December (AC Vol 41 Nos 17 & 19). A predicted low turnout...

Policemen plod on

Some tough technocrats are running the anti-crime policy but the police force lags behind

South Africans feel unsafe. Fear of criminals demoralises people and is a major cause of emigration. High expectations therefore attach to the first black Commissioner of Police, Jackie...

Blame for the bombs

The government blames Islamists for a wave of terrorism in Cape Town

In the Cape Town area in the past 27 months, 21 bombings have caused three deaths and injured at least 130 people. In Cape Town itself, a major...

Calling labour's bluff

Trades unionists argue about how hard to fight the government at a policy conference

Black union militants are planning new clashes with the African National Congress government over jobs and labour law reform. But many union leaders would prefer a compromise that...

Talking left, acting right

Social democracy and free market economics are eating into the ruling party's identity

The African National Congress has emerged from its national general council, held in the coastal city of Port Elizabeth on 11-15 July, looking more like the Western-style social...

The bigger the better

The government prefers efficient farmers to contented peasants

Zimbabwe's land rows have touched a sore nerve in South Africa, where land hunger is a lively, if partly suppressed, political issue and where white people still dominate...

Come in, it's private

Local and foreign investors want state assets sold fast - the trade unions don't

The African National Congress inches ahead with privatisation, though its partner, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), links this to the redrawing of labour laws to...

ANC untamed

Inspiring a broad resistance front is not the same as running a pragmatic government, as the African National Congress has discovered. To iron out the long-standing and often...

Displaying 761-770 out of 850 results.