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South Africa

South Africa

Population: 63.2m
GDP: $403.04bn
Debt: 72.24% of GDP (2024)

news from South Africa

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Found 850 articles.

Displaying 731-740 out of 850 results.

Scrambling for Africa

Business hopes that President Mbeki's pan-African vision can produce some profits too

As Pretoria flexes its diplomatic muscles in Africa, championing the New Partnership for Africa's Development and sending peacekeeping troops to Burundi and Congo-Kinshasa, its companies are following the...

Deep drift

The President and the capitalists wrangle about black empowerment and mining investment

Mining for precious minerals was the foundation of South Africa's urban riches, and the prime symbol of foreign capitalism, apartheid labour repression and racial monopoly. The African National...

Congress gets scratchy

The development summit gives Mbeki less trouble than his own party

The World Summit on Sustainable Development, which overruns Johannesburg this week, is riven by competing interests and chaired by President Thabo Mbeki. It is also punctuated by street...

Local, global or both

A coalition calling itself the Social Movement Indaba is organising mass demonstrations around the World Summit on Sustainable Development. President Thabo Mbeki and his African National Congress government...

Buthelezi replays history

The Zulu leader and some tough friends threaten to open Natal's wounds

Relations between the African National Congress and Mangosuthu Buthelezi's Inkatha Freedom Party are at their lowest since the rivals signed a peace deal on the eve of the...

End of an Alliance

Squabbles and scandals are now destroying the only opposition which really mattered

The most serious opposition group, the Democratic Alliance (DA), has been gravely wounded by corruption allegations and political misjudgement. The governing African National Congress is sticking the knife...

What's left of the opposition

The Pan-Africanist Congress: Since the African National Congress won power, the PAC has lacked a role or clear political identity. Its five members of parliament and one...

Will the real Thabo Mbeki stand up?

Ahead of a hectic six months of hosting world leaders and trying to wring trade concessions from them, Mbeki changes course

This year's workload for President Thabo Mbeki is overwhelming. He and his colleagues from Africa's big nations must oversee the transformation of the Organisation of African Unity into...

Mbeki's front line

In a year of international negotiations and party elections, Mbeki will need loyal friends

President Thabo Mbeki's rapid rise in the African National Congress after it was legalised in 1990 surprised many outsiders. Yet for years inside the tent, Mbeki built a...

Watch on the spooks

The intelligence services look like becoming the President's personal agencies

The resignation of the Inspector General of Intelligence, Dr. Fazel Randera, has dealt a blow to the civil oversight of South Africa's intelligence agencies. His departure, hastened by...

Displaying 731-740 out of 850 results.